Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Grand Prix revisited

With the recent news that a new racing movie is in the works, centering around the 1911 Indy 500 and OWR Curmudgeon Robin Miller’s comments on how there’s only been three really great racing movies; ”Grand Prix, Winning and The Big Wheel.”

To which I beg to differ as I think Steve McQueen’s epic Le Mans should also be on this list; not to mention a few other of my choices

While apparently the Indy 500 movie in question that I read about 'Wayback in 'Twenty-oh-Eight never got  made... And whilst I cannot find the original web link to the story, here's another one that discusses this now apparently Dead movie project?

Holy Racing movies Batman! Can it really have already been two years ago?

Having finally watched Grand Prix (The Movie) no less than on Christmas Day December, 2006) on the SPEED channel, yet instead of re-inventing duh wheel, I'll just link to my movie review I previously scribbled in;