Whale may the luck ‘O thee Irish be with Y’all today... As apparently its time once again to drink some green adult beverages, eat corn hash stew and dance your merry way to a jig or two...
As hopefully Dario “REO Speedwagon” Franchitti won’t be busy eating’ too many Lucky Charms... Although he claims they’re “Magically Delicious.”
And thus a wee bit ‘O Irish humour for uze lepracon’s frolicking’ about... Did you hear about the benevolent owner Michael O'Leary of ryanair, who wishes to install pay toilets on all of his Aeroplanes... Hmm? Leaves a whole knew term for paying’ a pound to dump a pound, eh? I mean talk ‘bout taking the piss outta flying...
And apparently one mad Pole has taken his revenge upon Ireland for decades of Polish jokes... As did you hear about the Speeding Pole; NOT to be cornfused with “The Krakow Kid,” a.k.a. Robert Kubica... As this would be lawbreaker managed to brilliantly elude the Irish Constables by telling them his name was “Drivers license” in Polish...
The mystery of Ireland’s worst driver
And lastly, has anybody seen Derrick Daily and his Hollyhocks?
Irish F1 Piloto’s
As hopefully Dario “REO Speedwagon” Franchitti won’t be busy eating’ too many Lucky Charms... Although he claims they’re “Magically Delicious.”
And thus a wee bit ‘O Irish humour for uze lepracon’s frolicking’ about... Did you hear about the benevolent owner Michael O'Leary of ryanair, who wishes to install pay toilets on all of his Aeroplanes... Hmm? Leaves a whole knew term for paying’ a pound to dump a pound, eh? I mean talk ‘bout taking the piss outta flying...
And apparently one mad Pole has taken his revenge upon Ireland for decades of Polish jokes... As did you hear about the Speeding Pole; NOT to be cornfused with “The Krakow Kid,” a.k.a. Robert Kubica... As this would be lawbreaker managed to brilliantly elude the Irish Constables by telling them his name was “Drivers license” in Polish...
The mystery of Ireland’s worst driver
And lastly, has anybody seen Derrick Daily and his Hollyhocks?
Irish F1 Piloto’s