So as I’ve previously confessed… I’m ‘Juan ‘O duh Freaks, Err part of the ‘Freak Nation, who tune-in to the Speed Freaks Broadcast every Sunday night to see what Zany news they’ll come-up with ‘N who they’ll have on the Show…
So just over a month ago I was listening to the December 6th show, when unfortunately Crash Gladys made a Boo-boo… And even though I knew the reason exactly why she had, as she was tryin’ to beat the buzzer (clock) to the fast approaching commercial break after Duh Sarge had once again cut into her News slot, nevertheless the following transgression occurred; as Crash noted the return of Felipe Maas to the cockpit…
Now, I’ve been listening for over 2yrs and never once felt compelled to email the Speed Freaks, but instead I immediately jumped-up, ran over to the Confuzer and pounded out the following email.
Subject: Who’s Maas?
Yo Crash: DON’T Maas with the Massa; as in its Felipe Massa!
And that was ‘Dat, or so I thought… As just minutes later as they came back from the break I was dumbfounded as Crash not only read my email on the air, but said the Freaks like being called out and that for my effort she’d like to send me a Speed Freaks T-Shirt, all the while as I sat there just guffawing out loud…
You see, I was simply compelled to do this since I’ve been a Felipe Massa fan since he first broke cover on the Formula 1 scene as a Sauber Piloto and after his Horrifying accident this year at Hungary, just felt he deserved proper name recognition…
And even better yet; for Christmas I did receive my free T-Shirt, to which I was asked at Christmas dinner by my uncle; what’s this ‘Freakin is My Business and what does it mean? (As the backside sez: and Business is Good!) But even better yet, Crash not only sent me a T-shirt, but a nice S.F. Baseball cap, swanky lanyard and just made for soggy Seattle, a floating keychain, as Y’all know it gets a ‘liddle wet up here, eh?
So Thanxs Crash! As once again Santa forgot my Ferrari F430 Scuderia…
So just over a month ago I was listening to the December 6th show, when unfortunately Crash Gladys made a Boo-boo… And even though I knew the reason exactly why she had, as she was tryin’ to beat the buzzer (clock) to the fast approaching commercial break after Duh Sarge had once again cut into her News slot, nevertheless the following transgression occurred; as Crash noted the return of Felipe Maas to the cockpit…
Now, I’ve been listening for over 2yrs and never once felt compelled to email the Speed Freaks, but instead I immediately jumped-up, ran over to the Confuzer and pounded out the following email.
Subject: Who’s Maas?
Yo Crash: DON’T Maas with the Massa; as in its Felipe Massa!
And that was ‘Dat, or so I thought… As just minutes later as they came back from the break I was dumbfounded as Crash not only read my email on the air, but said the Freaks like being called out and that for my effort she’d like to send me a Speed Freaks T-Shirt, all the while as I sat there just guffawing out loud…
You see, I was simply compelled to do this since I’ve been a Felipe Massa fan since he first broke cover on the Formula 1 scene as a Sauber Piloto and after his Horrifying accident this year at Hungary, just felt he deserved proper name recognition…
And even better yet; for Christmas I did receive my free T-Shirt, to which I was asked at Christmas dinner by my uncle; what’s this ‘Freakin is My Business and what does it mean? (As the backside sez: and Business is Good!) But even better yet, Crash not only sent me a T-shirt, but a nice S.F. Baseball cap, swanky lanyard and just made for soggy Seattle, a floating keychain, as Y’all know it gets a ‘liddle wet up here, eh?
So Thanxs Crash! As once again Santa forgot my Ferrari F430 Scuderia…