C’mon Down Tomaso... You’re the only FOOL willing to play this game! As we’re gonna drive you INSANE; Yeah, that’s the Ticket! Err, perhaps now would be a good time to go ‘N purchase a copy of Commander Cody’s: “Son, You’re gonna Drive me to Drinkin’ – If you DON’T Stop Driving that Hot Rod Lincoln!” But I digress as always...
So I cleared my calendar yesterday in order to listen to the IMS Radio Network Broadcast of Indy Car Qualifying “LIVE” from Kansas... And thus began the now RIDICULOUS ritual of trying to pull up the Broadcast via le internets... On the overly NON user friendly IndyCar.Com “Stream,” which should more aptly be denoted as STEAM! (Although we AIN’T goin’ anywheres!)
Thus I started the IndyCar.Com Webcast TubeSnake Boogey at 1:54PM (PACIFIC) since according to the webpage where ALL events are listed for New York Time... I believe ‘Dat 5:00PM NYT = 2PM Pacific, right?
So I tried re-logging in at 2:01PM... Herroe?
And again at 2:03PM; still NOTHING...
Except every time I click the annoying small YES (“Play”) link I managed to get to listen to the same ANNOYING Commercial for Providence Regional Medical Center – Everett, WA... Where it extols the virtues of NOT trying to do your own Neurological imaging, etc and go to the Doctor’s Office instead...
So after having rebooted Ze Confuzer... I Shut ‘her Down completely and then re-logged onto IndyCar.Com to which my Screen Reader kept reading what’s Tony Kanaan doing in Pit lane with an I-Pad? Whale I certainly hope he’s NOT trying to log onto IndyCar.Com right now; Hya!
Thus I went thru the overly PAINFUL process of finding the Multimedia tab, IMS Radio Broadcast Learn More tab and then viola, clicked on the April 30 YES tab to guess what? Listen to the exact same FRILLIN’ Providence Commercial again for the seventh time... URGH!
But Hey! This time, now being 2:08PM, suddenly Mike “Yippee Kai Eh!” King’s voice boomed over the speakers asking me;”What’s it like to ride in an Indy Car?” And then again “N again ‘N again ‘N again... WTF? Which after 3mins I decided that the tape must be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck??? So I logged out again; SHEISA!
Logging in again I got right back to the exact same place with Mike King still asking me what it was like... “I’ve got you Babe!” Can you say Groundhog Day?
So for humour I went and looked at the top right hand corner of the page... Which I’d first checked at 2:03PM which announced the following:
Up Next: IZOD IndyCar Series - Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach with IMS Radio Network
So I cleared my calendar yesterday in order to listen to the IMS Radio Network Broadcast of Indy Car Qualifying “LIVE” from Kansas... And thus began the now RIDICULOUS ritual of trying to pull up the Broadcast via le internets... On the overly NON user friendly IndyCar.Com “Stream,” which should more aptly be denoted as STEAM! (Although we AIN’T goin’ anywheres!)
Thus I started the IndyCar.Com Webcast TubeSnake Boogey at 1:54PM (PACIFIC) since according to the webpage where ALL events are listed for New York Time... I believe ‘Dat 5:00PM NYT = 2PM Pacific, right?
So I tried re-logging in at 2:01PM... Herroe?
And again at 2:03PM; still NOTHING...
Except every time I click the annoying small YES (“Play”) link I managed to get to listen to the same ANNOYING Commercial for Providence Regional Medical Center – Everett, WA... Where it extols the virtues of NOT trying to do your own Neurological imaging, etc and go to the Doctor’s Office instead...
So after having rebooted Ze Confuzer... I Shut ‘her Down completely and then re-logged onto IndyCar.Com to which my Screen Reader kept reading what’s Tony Kanaan doing in Pit lane with an I-Pad? Whale I certainly hope he’s NOT trying to log onto IndyCar.Com right now; Hya!
Thus I went thru the overly PAINFUL process of finding the Multimedia tab, IMS Radio Broadcast Learn More tab and then viola, clicked on the April 30 YES tab to guess what? Listen to the exact same FRILLIN’ Providence Commercial again for the seventh time... URGH!
But Hey! This time, now being 2:08PM, suddenly Mike “Yippee Kai Eh!” King’s voice boomed over the speakers asking me;”What’s it like to ride in an Indy Car?” And then again “N again ‘N again ‘N again... WTF? Which after 3mins I decided that the tape must be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck be stuck??? So I logged out again; SHEISA!
Logging in again I got right back to the exact same place with Mike King still asking me what it was like... “I’ve got you Babe!” Can you say Groundhog Day?
So for humour I went and looked at the top right hand corner of the page... Which I’d first checked at 2:03PM which announced the following:
Up Next: IZOD IndyCar Series - Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach with IMS Radio Network
LIVE coverage from the Streets of Long Beach.
Which it was still displaying now at 2:21PM. What was that Snazzy Infomercial ‘bout Neurological imaging... This is your Brain. This is Your Brain on IndyCar.Com; SHEISA!
Anyways I won’t bother you any further with this story, except to say that I finally Threw in the Towel way TOO LATE at 2:34PM Pacific and was simply left wondering if they’d managed to bungle the Time Change once again? Since Guess what Dorothy? Kansas AIN’T on New York Time...
So who in their right mind would ever state the following... I can’t wait to watch an Indy Car race on ABC! OOPS! Hope Y’all didn’t spew anything uze were drinking, eh? As I’m really NOT sure what’s WORSE? A veritable Princess Sparkle Pony; ‘DannaWho? LUV-Fest or trying to pull up an IMS Radio Network Broadcast...
Therefore I will NOT be watching/listening to the IndyCar Road Runner 300 today, as I feel kinda like Wyle E. Coyote right now and that IndyCar.Com must be shoppon’ at Acme Electronics Co.
As Yo toto, I’ve got a feelin’ we AIN’T in Kansas NO more! But lookie ‘Dare its NOW 5:19PM PACIFIC Time...
Which it was still displaying now at 2:21PM. What was that Snazzy Infomercial ‘bout Neurological imaging... This is your Brain. This is Your Brain on IndyCar.Com; SHEISA!
Anyways I won’t bother you any further with this story, except to say that I finally Threw in the Towel way TOO LATE at 2:34PM Pacific and was simply left wondering if they’d managed to bungle the Time Change once again? Since Guess what Dorothy? Kansas AIN’T on New York Time...
So who in their right mind would ever state the following... I can’t wait to watch an Indy Car race on ABC! OOPS! Hope Y’all didn’t spew anything uze were drinking, eh? As I’m really NOT sure what’s WORSE? A veritable Princess Sparkle Pony; ‘DannaWho? LUV-Fest or trying to pull up an IMS Radio Network Broadcast...
Therefore I will NOT be watching/listening to the IndyCar Road Runner 300 today, as I feel kinda like Wyle E. Coyote right now and that IndyCar.Com must be shoppon’ at Acme Electronics Co.
As Yo toto, I’ve got a feelin’ we AIN’T in Kansas NO more! But lookie ‘Dare its NOW 5:19PM PACIFIC Time...