(Paris Hilton photo by Bauer Griffin)
Otay, this was just too good to pass up – especially since I haven’t scribbled ‘bout that Blonde Strumpet (Paris) since way back in ‘07...
Gray Bar du Hilton
So in case you haven’t heard the word; Damsel-in-Distress (Or is ‘Dat Hot Pink?) Paris Hilton has decided to cash-in and become a Co-owner of the SuperMartXé VIP team, as fortunately the Moto 125cc GP squad’s Scooter Piloto’s Sergio Gadea and Maverick Viñales won’t haveda wear the exact tight fitting Hot Pink uni Paris was during the Press Conference...
Paris Hilton Buys Into Motorcycle Racing Team
Otay, this was just too good to pass up – especially since I haven’t scribbled ‘bout that Blonde Strumpet (Paris) since way back in ‘07...
Gray Bar du Hilton
So in case you haven’t heard the word; Damsel-in-Distress (Or is ‘Dat Hot Pink?) Paris Hilton has decided to cash-in and become a Co-owner of the SuperMartXé VIP team, as fortunately the Moto 125cc GP squad’s Scooter Piloto’s Sergio Gadea and Maverick Viñales won’t haveda wear the exact tight fitting Hot Pink uni Paris was during the Press Conference...
Paris Hilton Buys Into Motorcycle Racing Team