Red bull shows off its Infiniti for the colour purple with its new 2013
F1 challenger - the RB9. (Source: joesaward.wordpress.com)
Ah, its that time of the year once again, when everybody is most buoyant ‘bout the hopes of a new Formula 1 racing season - as hope springs eternal with A-L-L of the F1 Constructors talking turkey; Err gallantly about their prospects for the fast approaching season whilst I myself was off doing a different sort of “Winter Olympics” by catching multiple golden hues of warmth & sunny skies in the Valley of the sun while the F1 boyz were limbering up in the sunny climes ‘O Jerez, Spain themselves and thus, your humble No Fenders scribe has only had time to puruse the results from the first ‘Offical F1 Winter Olympics test session which apparently Mercedes kicked off with a bang, eh? I mean talk ‘bout fire in the hole; CRIKEYS!
Yet la Scuderia, nee Scuderia Ferrari also showed off its ability to bellow “Smoke On!” When new recruit Pedro de la Rosa was sent scurrying from the cockpit when his Ferrari F138 was seen billowing with ominous black clouds ‘O smoke; Aye Karumba!
And the timesheets were topped by four different leaders from three different teams while a nebulous pothole tried scuttling the final day’s testing with a lengthy delay for some of that quick drying “Mud” to be poured upon it...