Hmm? why is that 'Ol saying "Wax-On,
Wax-Off coming to mind here? As this time 'round my scribblin' isn't near as
clever as when I actually watched Ye 'Ol windbag, thee 'legendous Dave
Despain's interview with Sir Stirling Moss 'Wayback when Wind Tunnel was still
a good show - before first being neutered into an half hour Info-mercial and
then ultimately getting Sacked from FS1...
thus, I simply saw this from the Boyz Down Under's website and thought I'd throw it out there, in case Y'all were wonderin' what the Pied Piper 'O est Kensington had to say recently in this interview;
As after all, Sept 17th was the revered
GURR-REATEST F1 Driver to Never have Won the championship's 84th Birthday,
although NO report on whether or not they could fit A-L-L the candles upon his
cake; Hya!