Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Second annual Austin Fanfest is Bigger 'N Better!

HOLY SOUND SYSTEMS  BATMAN! As I was trying to find the 'Offical Fan Fest musicians line-up on Zed Internetz and stumbled across the following story from some Cowpoke in nearby San Antonio... Think that's  where the Alamo was? But FORGET I-T; Hya! As we're all focused upon some 'lil car race at Circuit Of the Americas this weekend instead...

And while Willie Buxom will be rockin' out Thursday evening Downtown, the title of his latest post makes me wonder if he's aware that a great 'lil "Aca Dacca" female cover band named Hell's Belle's is participating in this weekend's festivities? Playing Thursday night down the street some where's nearby from his 'lil event...

Just look for the Dude in the bright red ski pants; Hya! And if will's pants are too bright, then go check out Hell's Belle's instead, as I'm sure they'll be much easier on the eyes, right? Hooah!!