CRIKEYS MATES! Didn't he just supposedly come
off a few weeks respite from slaving away at Zed Keyboards? I mean like is this
dude in a perpetual winter's slumber or what? As perhaps he's been consumin'
too much of that Eggnog stuff, eh?
As alas, your humble No Fenders scribe should
by now be firmly ensconced in the life 'O luxury upon the B-I-G island, a.k.a.
Kona, Hawaii where he's been forced to go upon another winter retreat - firmly
looking forward to sitting in my favourite book listening nook upon thee trusty
chaise recliner with headphones on and some beverage of choice, anythingy but
those little Teaky-Teaky umbrella drinkies; Hya! As hopefully the beach will be
in this time...
thus just wanted to let Y'all know that posting
may be a tad bit sparse whilst head No Fenders scribe is away continuing to
recharge his batteries during the supposed 'Off-peak Downtime of the winter's
Off-season break from motorsports activities. Since as always, I'm trying to
start the year off slowly to conserve my
energies towards the fast approaching
2014 racing season.
Otay, Surf's Up!
Gotta run; Err walk upon the beach and NOT step on any of my Green Sea Turtle