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The legendous' three time Indy 500 winner 'Uncle
Bobby (Unser) poses with Tomaso in the Flagroom in 2012. (The Tomaso
Welcome to the third (and final) installment
of my now yearly “Pump You Up!” Past year’s recollections of another weekend’s
outing to Mother Speedway - of which I swore I wouldn't wait 'til six months
afterwards to try recollectin' a la the year prior but alas, Y'all know what
they say: "Time Flies when You're having Fun," eh? Especially here at
Nofendersville... And thus I'm trying to do this 'Juan nearly a year later, an
hence, it'll be a Quickie' - along with concluding these yearly rants for awhile,
as it'll be most STRANGE NOT being at Mother Speedway this May...
For the first
installment of this trilogy, chronicling that Oh, So Fantastic victory by the
late 'Dannyboy "Spike" Weldon, see;
Whilst Part two is
followed by the then "Dashley LePew's" somewhat controversial victory
Thurs, 5/23
This year’s flight departure wasn’t as brutal
as Twenty-twelve’s was, albeit cannot say I got my usual dosage ‘O sleep thee
night before, once again having awoken before the DAMN-2-EARLY Alarm Clock was
scheduled to go off... Having arose at four-bleepin’ thirty-seven AM, as my
Shuttle was scheduled to arrive between 6-6:20AM for the day’s frivolities
of Aeroplane traveling.
So after the usual bumpin' and bangin' of
today's typical "Cattle Car Shuffle," especially with the rigours of
A-L-L of my 'Handlers, etc, I was left Uh-waitin' the arrival of No Fenders
'Offical Photographer 'CARPETS; think I was left in the wheelchair in front of
the empty Harley Davidson motorcycle store; Hmm? Yuhs know the economy's B-A-D
if the Harley Davidson store goes out of business inside the airport, right?
Thus after picking up my luggage, we made our
typical Beeline over to our favourite waterin' hole, fondly known as thee
Flagroom, but alas; the FlagRoom's closing; Huh?
As we nonchalantly walked into the Bar, the
lone waitress says: Y’all aren’t ordering from the kitchen? It closes in five
minutes, as it was 7:55PM, and there was some comment made ‘bout the Bar
closing too; WTF? As for one of the few rare times I spoke for my Host
extraordinaire Dave, Dave's NOT HERE; Oh Never Mind! ('CARPETS) By saying NO
THANXS! We’re outta here, as yeah, actually I’m looking for an unrushed dinner
after spending A-L-L FREAKIN’ DAY being jostled about on Aeroplanes... As this
was to be our first taste of Starship HC’s (Hulman & Co) blatant disregard
towards its loyal paying customers over the entire Indy 500 weekend!
As what a difference one year makes, eh?
Although I knew that thee legendous' "Dr. Who" wouldn’t be joining
us, what a stark comparison to spending a pleasant Thursday evening in the
Flagroom, eating, drinking, being merry and Talkin’ Smart with Buddy! (Lazier) and
Tim Wardrop vs. this year’s kick in the ARSE sorry we’re closed for business
routine; SHEISA!
(Photo Courtesy of No Fenders ‘Offical Photographer