Howdy Y'all, Chief 'Vurd Botcherer Tomaso
here... Sorry for the recent lack "O verbiage on thy 'lil No Fenders 'Bloggenspotten;
Ja Ja! As I've been 'Oot 'N Aboot *out 'N about) once again, having just
returned from a two-weeks plus Holiday adventure to the other Florence; NOT the
one in Italy but Oregon instead; Hooah!
Where Florence stands upon the precipice of
Oregon's majestic Sand Dunes. With said trip recap eventfully making its way
into another riveting Tomaso Files yarn sometime shortly before I-T ALL Fades
But Hey! At least I didn't miss any IndyCar
races 'cause they've gone DORMANT for the next 486-weekends; Err an ABSURDLY
LONG 212 Days approx. which equals 72.5% of one year's time if I've done my
ryth-Muh-tickin' correctly? Uhm, where's the sudden angst coming from? As so
much for the post-Holiday afterglow, eh?
And it's quite an odd feeling to think I've
missed the last two Grand Prix's, i.e.; Spa and Monza, having not viewed any
Formula 1 on thy Telie' since Hungary 'Wayback at the end of July, nearly two months ago, and barely spoke a word 'bout motor racing
over the past Fortnight-pluses time, to which A-L-L I can say is that COTA, nee
Circuit Of The Americas is LUCKY! Since FedEx, which is notorious for dumping
'N running, did I-T once again and left my Austin F1 tickets sitting in my
Apartment's Breezeway for who knows how LONG whilst I was away; SHEISKOPFS!
And I finished off this glorious 'N epic
adventure by unexpectedly attending a Rally to STOP the Coal Ports from being
built in Washington at the 'Kuhnaidiun-American border crossing, from which
I've selected the notice from the FREE Peltier
blog, as do Y'all know the plight of Leonard Peltier?
Yet I find it overly ironic that said peace rally to stop the toxic
destruction of the Pacific Northwest's Oceans from the hazardous corruption of
coal, petroleum and liquid natural gas water-ways amassing was taking place
where businessman, lawyer and Railroad Tycoon; Err Executive Samuel Hill -
where somewheres previously I'd read he'd proclaimed his occupation as Industrialist had paid for the erection of
his white concrete peace arch between Blame, Washington and Surrey, BC's border
crossing whom I briefly chronicled in;
As the Rally was very enlightening and amongst
several speakers, our most favourite being the 21yr old activist,
environmentalist and soon to be scientist - who we met briefly afterwards,
having only caught her first name Sarah, who's from Ethiopia, a Senior at the
University of Washington who plans to get her PHD in Oceanography in order to
study the Ocean's ever growing toxicity - discussed the fast disappearance of Terapod's,
while pointedly noting how the United States couldn't BOMB its way out of
Climate Change!
Orca - Killer whale. (Image source: |
Whilst I particularly enjoyed Dana Lyons song
about the Salish Sea and protecting the Orca's, aka Killer Whales, which he
noted the profound effects ships have upon their abilities to communicate with
their Pod's and more importantly children...
As I find it somewhat Karmic that we'd just
passed thru Newport, Oregon some 48hrs earlier, where Tacoma Bureau Chief Mary
Ellen first pointed out Newport's Municipal Airport, which was utilized in Keiko's
transport to Newport's Oregon Coast Aquarium, which I was totally unawares of
'til Mary Ellen casually mentioned how it was where the Orca, nee Killer Whale Keiko, star of the Free Willy movies had been
taken to prepare for his reintroduction into the wild after some $7-million-plus
in Donations had flowed into the Free Willy Keiko Foundation (charity) created
by Western Warshintonian' businessman Craig McCaw, brother of Bruce McCaw, ex-CART team owner of Pacwest
Thus I felt somewhat chagrined whilst
sitting on the grass in Peace Arch State
Park totally unawares of the nearby Salish Sea and its significance in regards
towards mammal and sea life, which I really dug Messer Lyons song about The
Great Salish Sea, of which you can get the overall vibe in;
As ironically, I've just now discovered that Mr.
Lyons is the same artist who sang one of my favourite Activist songs: Cows with
Then upon our being instructed to form two
parallel lines with all those traveling northwards for today's rally to face north on the left side, with all those
traveling south to do likewise upon the opposite (right) side, Claudio' spotted
a man in the British Columbia line (facing south) sporting a Minardi F1 hat!
Next, being instructed to take a step forward
and shake our opposite counterparts hands, Mary ELLEN said to Keith; you've got
to meet Tomaso who's a Diehard F1 Aficionado, and even has a Formula 1 Blog!
Keith from Oh 'KanaDuh was exceedingly polite,
albeit mystified when I asked him what he thought of "Uncle
Bernaughty;" WHO? You know, Bernie Ecclestone, the BASTARDO who PAID his
way out of a Bribe!
Yet I must say, that Formula One's current GREENWASHING'
campaign is being successful, as Keith extolled the virtues of this
year's PU's (Power Units) advances of racing on one third less fuel, along with
their myriad of hybrid technologies, i.e.; the two power generating electrical
units onboard said Formula 1 chassis - all of which is true, despite overlooking
the toxicity of producing said electrical current, etc.
When asked why the Minardi cap, for which
Keith said most people don't know who I-T is, which once again Mary Ellen
quickly interjected Tomaso does! He replied they'd been in Monaco for the Grand
Prix and he wanted something different and spotted a man selling two Minardi
hats and SHUHZAMM! Whilst I last scribbled 'bout Minardi Alumni in;
Lastly, there was the most BIZARO encounter
in my life I've had of my very brief experience of Mary Ellen taking me in the
Women's Loo' when out in public, since she
tired of getting the evil eye from men upon escorting me to the Men's
bathroom instead.
As Y'all might NOT
understand just how difficult I-T is for a blind person to successfully
navigate their way to a bathroom stall in either gender's washroom, especially
with they're having NO exact identical design! Or better yet, next time try going into a public
WC" (Water Closet) BLINDFOLDED and S-E-E how good Y'all do, eh?
AnyHoo, after our day of unity, peace and prosperity
between our two nations we approached said women's bathroom to which Mary Ellen first inquired
to its occupants if they minded having a blind man enter said facility, to
which they all immediately replied; No Problema!
As I'd taken one or may be two steps across
the bathroom's threshold, an INSANE SCREAMING DITTOHEAD (androgynous)
woman assaulted us with a barrage of angry high pitched words; saying she'd
seen men impersonating being BLIND just in order to go inside women's bathrooms, and why
couldn't a man escort me into the men's bathroom instead! Uh Duh lady, 'cause I
wasn't with a man! As she continued her verbal accusation of my perverted
desires to enter the women's bathroom...
Thus, we quickly made an U-turn and exited
the female bathroom in Questione, to which I heard one of the ladies inside say
mockingly "What was he gonna S-E-E Anyways!" As they were chuckling loudly
over this outlandish scene as we strode
But Oh, NO! INSANE lady wasn't done,
SCREAMING she was going to get a Policeman to test my eyesight 'cause she knew
I wasn't blind! As although I should have simply ducked the ABSURDITY of this surreal
episode, my inner cranium was severely PISSED OFF 'bout being labeld as a
PERVERT! To which unexpectedly I shot back ANGRILLY towards her I'm Legally
Blind and would love to S-E-E a police officer determine my LACK of vision;
while NOT saying I-T, my inner child was channeling "Bring IT On, lady!"
To which she SHOUTED back to me, S-E-E;
As I'll let Yuhs in on a 'lil secret Sister;
I can HEAR the direction your voice is coming from; Oh Never Mind! As we made
our exit promptly and stopped at the first Rest Area upon the I-5 Highway
south, to where it was Claudio's turn to take me to the bathroom, where he
noted there was an electric car charging
station at said rest area, which I suppose was a symbiotic reminder that the
electricification of the automobile is definitely now occurring...