Monday, November 3, 2014

Former IndyCar Driver shows there's More than One Disease that Needs Help...

Originally, I was loathe to say anything negative towards the obscene media exposure the ridiculous "Ice Bucket Challenge" has received; hence the delay in posting this...

As Don't get me Wrong! I'm A-L-L in favour of  Donations being raised for a Good Cause, which certainly the pursuit of curing ALS is, but what gives? Y'all DON'T SEE ANY such dosing of ice water going viral for Parkinson's, MS, Cystic Fibrosis, etc. Or the disease I'm personally acquainted with, known commonly by those of us  having I-T as RP, which stands for Retinitis Pigmentosa. As I've repeatedly mentioned my affliction to this disease in;

As RP, is related to the better known disabling eye disorder Macular Degeneration, which leads to blindness - which my Dentist, whom although I've been seeing for over a decade now, incorrectly assumed my vision loss was associated with; CRIKEYS! Although I feel confident he's a better Dentist than that may imply; Hya!

Thus, I was caught totally unawares' over John Paul Jr's life threatening disease until it was brought to my Attenzione by No Fenders 'Offical Photographer 'CARPETS, which naturally left me scratchin' my head 'N sayin' what's Huntington's Disease? As once again 'Ol Curty' Cavin has penned a great article about John Paul's situation in;

Ex-IndyCar driver John Paul Jr.battling Huntington's while raising awareness of disease

And although I cannot find anythingy new upon his condition, Y'all can check out his website at;