"Blogmeister Miguel" in Seahawks finery
and "Artiste Dave in Cardinals garb flank No Fenders scribe Tomaso at
Century Link Field prior to Sunday Night game. (The Tomaso Collection)
A Mum' and her three lads went to a Seahawks
As that sounds like the opening line to a Joke,
right? Something 'bout two Flies walk into a Bar - Cymbal Crash please; Thank
you, Thank you very much...
As One was replete in Cardinal red, yellow black 'N
white finery. The second festooned in Seahawks blue, action grey and wolf, while
the third wore NO Football garb at all. Instead simply attired in black, which
matched Seattle's weather A-L-L weekend long leading up to thy B-I-G' Game. Comforted
in the fact that his team, thou Tennessee Titans had forgotten to rub that lump
'O Kryptonite onto thy Pigskin at Halftime vs. Camouthian' "Superman
Newton earlier that day.
Whilst thou National Football League thinks so
highly of the Titans, that their Thursday Night game vs. Jacksonville was the
1st game on the NFL Networks which much of Thy country doesn't subscribe to!
As the four Footenballers' set off in Qwest;
Uhm in search of 'Der Clink, nee Century Link Field, home of the Seattle
Seahawks for the past Sunday Night's game against NFC West Division rivals,
thou feisty Arizona Cardinals who
currently led the division 6-2 prior to the Talking Heads Albert Michaels and
Christopher Collinsworth calling thee game on Thy "Peacock," nee NBC.
Yet Snowbyrd MJ had one Ace Up her Sleeve, if
she could only get to it underneath the four layers of cold weather gear, as I
think it was supposed to be in the high 30's at game-time? As we trundled onto
the local Metro Transit bus which is the only way to G-O. As chants of GO
HAWKS! Resonated everywhere, whilst Artiste Dave who was sporting his Cardinals
colours noted the proliferation of 12s' flags hanging everywhere in the city!
Blogmeister Miguel who was rootin' for
Seattle and I rode the freight elevator completely packed with Hawks Fans to
our 300-level seats, with the lift's operator even telling us a Cardinals Joke!
Yet I was most excited 'bout there being a
"Family" bathroom that I could use alone, since this task is always
entertaining in crowded confines for somebody who's Blind! As they even had the
Pre-game piped in with KIRO's Dorey Montsen announcing there was 72mins left
'til kickoff; CRIKEYS!
Seated ten rows from the very tippy-top 'O
Century Link Field, I doubt I can accurately describe the mild sensations of
vertigo challenging a legally blind person who's only visual reference of the
Gridiron below was the massive white stripe running diagonally below soon
bathed in white floodlights, for which was simply the boundary of one side of
the football field. Unable to even remotely discern one single Ant sized player
upon the pitch, which is what I'd stare at for the next four hours after Dave
told me to turn my head, you're staring at that woman!
Thus Seattle apparently was in a sporting
mood, deciding to spot Arizona 19-points before deciding to show up and play
ball! As I stood up, sat down, stood-up
'N sat down again; URGH! Telling Dave I felt like I was in Church at Mass,
since everybody stood and yelled when the Cardinals had the football. Then
Y'all sit down 'N be polite whilst
Seattle's on Offense; Hut-Hut, OOF! Here comes our Punter again.
As I was totally bemused when Dave, Dave's
NOT Here; Hooah! As Miguel described to Mwah how Russell Wilson had ran into
his own man and gotten stuffed in the End zone, resulting in a Safety and
making the score then 5-0 in favour of those dastardly Cardinals!
Yet it was quite L-O-U-D! Really? Do we need
to explode fireworks every time Seattle scores? As the Hawks finally got on the
board 19-7. Then the game went to 22-10, and 25-10 all the while Seattle
Yet the stadium went Bananas on back-to-back
"Pick-6" turnovers, especially the second time when I think somebody
said Bobby Wagner returned the Pigskin to give Seattle its first lead of the
evening, 29-25! Yet it wasn't to last long. As first Arizona marched down the
field and reclaimed the lead 32-29 before Wilson promptly threw an interception
and Carson Palmer led the Cards to another touchdown; FRICK!
As the fans from our 300-level section filed
out in droves with some three-plus or was it the two minute warning? Before
Seattle tacked on its final field goal followed by an unsuccessful Onside Kick
attempt, losing to Arizona by a final score of 39-32, as what a Donnybrook of a
Football game! Not to mention if only Seattle hadn't decided to spot Arizona 19
FREAKIN' points!
As I'd be pleasantly
surprised upon arriving home Monday morning to discover that the Brazilian GP
would be rebroadcasted at 8PM that night, for which I must say was a much
duller affair then the football game was! Especially since Mercedes was
determined to have Nico Rosberg secure runner-up status in the championship
with or without Lewis Hamilton's support...
For those of Y'all in search of some
Non-Football related words, although I must warn Thee its NOT racing related
either. Then check out my bursting at the seams, stuffed to thoust Gills triple
layered story 'O Travel lore to thee Other Florence posted last Thanksgiving whilst
Y'all have a merry day wherever Art thou may be...