Monday, February 8, 2016

ROLEX 24: Video Montage

Just a few of the many quick interviews Racer's Marshall Pruett squeezed in whilst covering Daytona last week...

Without a doubt, the absolute Numero Uno video for Mwah was the always hilarious A.J. Alllmendinger being his usual witty, funny self when interviewing his Michael Shank Racing team-mates.

Enjoyed this brief chat with a pair 'O Kiwis', aka the New Kid in Town vs. The Veteran.

And as always, typically enjoyable Chin-wag' with 'TK Follow-your-Schnoz' Kanaan. As wasn't aware he'd run the 24hr race before, in a GT Mustang NO less!

Whilst I can never get enough of Messer Razzle Dazzle, who's found a new home with the local Prototype team.

And lastly, not sure what to make 'bout this Hair Gel talk; Hya!