Friday, April 1, 2016

Bernie, Quit Foolin' with Us!

Ah, was quite unawares' of thy News that the mischievous Uncle Bernaughty had been spinning his web again... What's that? Mr. E's prattling on 'bout Las Vegas having an F1 contract; Hurrah! And the Easter Bunny just left us A-L-L Jellybeans in our shoes, right?

And then there's this F1 Qualie Abomination known as Musical Chairs, Y'all know when the musak' STOPS way before Thy end of Qualifying! Which we're most entertainingly being given an Encore presentation of on April Fools weekend NO less!

Hmm? Did somebody say Muskrat Love? You say Musak, I say Muskrat... As there's definitely a Pack 'O Rats at Thy Controls, but who's the Captain and who's Tennille, eh?

Hmm? May be Messer Bernard Charles Ecclestone is simply trying to make up for being a Leprechaun on St Patty's Day? Although I meant NO disrespect to Leprechauns'; Oh Never Mind!