Thursday, May 5, 2016

R100: Mother Speedway's Last Row Party getting A 'Wee Bit Crowded!

ZOINKS! Just as soon as I thought I'd put a Bow upon the entrants for this year's Magnanimous 100th Indy 500, look who's crashed Thy Party; Ariva-Ariva-Ariva!

Two more "South of thee Border" PiƱata Bashers; Err Latin blooded Speedsters' were announced as participants for this year's Indianapolis 500 in fairly low-key press releases over the Alabama Grand Prix weekend at that Oh, So Beauteous Barbers; Hooah!

SPM/Marotti Racing
Engine: Honda
#77) Oriol Servia, Spain

Coming in at No. 32 on the IMS Top-33 Charts; Hooah! Is longtime IndyCar Journeyman Oriol "Suitcase" Servia, who'll unpack his bags at Schmidt Peterson Motorsports and take up residence in their third entry in partnership with Will Marotti.

AFS Racing
Engine: Chevrolet
#17) Sebastian Saavedra, Brazil

Coming in at Number 33, here's a song outta California titled Don't Rain on My Parade croons 'Ol Casey Kasem... Yeah, I know, skip Thy Humour, right? Cymbol Crash please; Thank You, Thank You very much; Hya! Since hey, gots-tuh mix I-T up now and then, as somehow I didn't see this entry materializing for Saavedra this year.

As now we can watch for who'll come out swinging; Err ahead in the battle 'O ex-Chip Ganassi drivers, i.e.; Sage "Dangerboy" Karam vs. S-Squared...

While IndyCar Curmudgeon 'R, aka Robin Miller noted that as of Sunday's article confirming Gary Peterson's entry, his Indy 500 entry list included 17 Chevrolet's and 16 Honda's, with Stefan Wilson's announcement a foregone conclusion - for which he was factored into the count.

KVSH Racing
Engine: Chevrolet
#25) R-Stefan Wilson, UK
(R Denotes Rookie Status)

Otay, so Stefan STORK' Wilson, younger brother of the late Justin Wilson is from that relatively Stiff Upper  Lip place called the United Kingdom, where the Queen Bee; Err Mum' just celebrated her 90th birthday. But surely Stefan's celebrating the fact that he's entered in this year's Indy 500, albeit without racing against thee departed JW!

Thus if Gabby Chaves is able to pull together his ride to pilot Bryan Herta's Dallara with Hondre' power and crewed by Mike Shank Racing, who are essentially a Honda Works IMSA  P2 Prototype team. And if Grace Autosport can coax an engine supply and the necessary funding, then we'll have 35 Bonafied entries fighting for 33 spots this Memorial Day.

So who'll be eating Thy Worm come Boomp' Day, eh? Stay tuned Y'all!

Like I said above, I really hadn't pictured S-Squared' racing this year, for which after the fact, Gary Peterson has decided to pull the plug upon Sebastian Saavedra's previously confirmed entry and hence, we're back to exactly 33 confirmed entries with time most likely having expired for any final last minute arrivals, unless Grace Autosport wishes to thrash a chassis together for Thy Leggy Juan, aka Katherine Legge...

AFS Racing pulls Plug upon Indy 500 entry