Sunday, September 11, 2016

No Fenders X: A Decade Of Insomnia...

No Fenders Head Scribe Tomaso posing alongside Jimmy Clark's 1964 Lotus at IMS Museum, Circa 2012. (The Tomaso Collection)
Or should I-T be Immortality? Insanity? Uhm, Hang on a moment, Insomnia; Yeah, that's thou Ticket! As Geddy Lee once famously crooned:

"We're only Immortal for a limited Time!"

VIDEO: Dreamline

Today at 11:37AM, Ten FREAKIN' years ago, This 'lil BLOB' went viral for the very first time and has been Chug-Chug-Chuggin' along ever since. As what's that 'lil song 'bout Little Toot? Aye Karumba!

As it was simply Karma causing Mwah to launch on that Oh So Farcical Day of 9/11, for which I'll need to once again go into total "Blackout"  Mode, NOT to be Cornfuzed with Blackwater! since I do NOT wish to hear any 'lil Dribble over the "Heroes" of today; BARF!

As the waves crash in
On the western shore
The wind blows fierce from the east
Wave tops torn into flying spindrift

As the waves crash in
On the western shore
It makes me feel uneasy
The spray that's torn away
to answer you Is an image of the way I feel

What am I supposed to say?
Where are the words
When you talk that way?

As sun goes down
On the western shore
The wind blows hard from the east
It whips the sand into a flying spindrift

VIDEO: Spindrift

RUSh: Spindrift
Snakes and Arrows, 2007
Music: Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee
Lyrics by Neil Peart

As I used to enjoy pretending that 'lil Sid Viddle, nee Sebastian Vettel, whom became my Numero Uno Formula 1 driver in Twenty-oh-Eight,  was the first ever story posted, which isn't exactly true according to the website's time-stamp, but did occur on that fateful day of Sept 11th when No Fenders was launched!

Since I Dumped Vettel after his infamous "Multi 21" affair! And am currently supporting Valtteri Bottas instead as my Numero Uno F1 driver...

As Christian Klien, remember him? Actually beat future Red Bull Racing F1 Pilote' Vettel to the punch by 53mins, albeit Deeter Majestik' got the last laugh on Mr. Klien! As apparently this was prior to Dr. Helmut Marco regulating the Bath Water's temperature controls...

With last year's Birthday Salutations' post definitely having way more "Meat on the Bone" in regards to the first ever post, now having surpassed 3,400 Posts in ten years time; SHEISA!

As why does this make me think of some 'lil 'Ol Hamburger Chain's motto for Umpteen Million Served, eh? As that's K as in Crocodile!

Impromptu photograph with "Mrs. Blue Dress" at the 2011 Indy 500 Victory Banquet outside the J.D. Marriott hotel. (The Tomaso Collection)
Probably forgetting somebody here, and not in order, other than I suppose ladies first, eh? Nor trying to Name Drop, but I've had the pleasure? Err, privilege of meeting Diva Dan-Dan-Daniker', (Danica Patrick) BIA', (Ana Beatriz) "Symona-Symona" (Simona de Silvestro) and Crash Gladys.

Without doubt, my Numero Uno Celeb' I've met was El Zorro', aka Alex Zanardi! Along with Davey Hamilton, Robin Miller, "JMV," (John Michael Vincent) Buddy Lazier, "Uncle Bobby," (Bobby Unser) Donald Davidson, Curty Cavin, Darren "Dangermouse" Manning and the late Dr. Who, nee Tim Wardrop to name just a few.

Along with supposedly having 'lil Napoleon, aka TG, nee Tony George run into me in Gasoline Alley! Hey Tony, can't Yuhs SEE I'm Blind; Hooah!

whilst I won't even attempt naming A-L-L of the great IndyCar Drivers I've mingled briefly with during multiple Mother Speedway Legends Day outings, Carb Day Meet 'N Greets along the Pitlane catch fencing or other Driver Autograph sessions...

How can one adequately sum-up, or type up ten years of their life? Or ten years of Blogging, for which A-L-L I can say, sure doesn't pay much! As I won't try recapping year-by-year's major outings, which I've done for my past No Fenders Birthday Salutations.

Although thankfully, the zillions 'O words, with some speeled faux-Netically; Hya! (Hey, Y'all try being a One Armed Blind Vurd Botcherer...)All reside upon Thy Confuzer's Hard drive, instead of hundreds of pages 'O paper bundled in Nofendersville!

As just some of the countless Highlights that come to mind include:  Riding Shotgun' aboard the Synden Racing 2X Seater, attending my inaugural Indy 500 - along with being granted a Media Credential as a Blind Word Butcher! Another Media Credential granted for the following year's MotoGP race at Mother Speedway. Numerous trips to the B-I-G' ISLAND, Arizona, gawking repeatedly at thee Penske Racing Museum. A Most Excellante Day at McLaren Scottsdale and riding the Richard Petty Two-seater at PIR!

Then there's the numerous trips to Austin for both the USGP and MotoGP events at the wonderful Circuit Of The Americas venue. Roadtrips to Sonoma and Edmonton for IndyCar races, not to mention a multitude 'O wondrous Camping Trips in Washington and Oregon spring to mind, along with multiple treks Up North Eh! To Oh KanaDuh, nee Vancouver, BC...

Although not originally intended to mimic Thou Freaks', nonetheless, music's been a vital part of life in general, and thus, the trio of Speed Freaks who've become my Sunday Night tradition for nearly a decade now, having started by accidently finding them in Thou Desert late one night when scrolling Thy 'lil portable AM/FM Cassette radio's dial for some entertainment. Has prodded me into including music onto the BLOB', as Thy late Awntie Harriet christened I-T many moons ago.

As Silly Me! Buying an Aeroplane ticket to Arizona prior to tickets going on sale, thinking that Champ Cars would really race around the Downtown Streets of Phoenix, AZ, like Formula 1 did briefly; Chirp-Chirp, Bueller?

While the Official Band of No Fenders for nearly it's entirety has been those Hosers from Up North Eh! Simply known as Kuhnaidiun Crunch, or the Power Trio, aka RUSh!

Having witnessed the band perform nearly 20-times over the decades in four states, I NO longer feel the need to see 'em again, especially since I think Geddy's worn out his Pipes!

As it seemed appropriate to witness RUSh one final time where I-T all began at the Coliseum,  once home of the mighty Seattle Supersonics...

(Photos Courtesy of No Fenders ‘Offical Photographer ‘CARPETS)