Monday, March 13, 2017

IMS: Desperately Seeking Hall of Fame Candidates...

Last week, just days prior to this year's perceived riveting St Pete IndyCar season opener playing on Thy Telie', I was going thru the No Fenders "Mailbox" and ran across an email touting IMS Hall of Fame nominations and just about SPEWED my coffee!

Holy Underarmour Batman!

The name causing my agitation was Eddie Cheever's, as seriously? He's being nominated for his outstanding TV Broadcasting abilities, right? Oh yeah, I forgot he's indelibly etched in my cranium as "EDDIE WHO?"

Which is what bob, my local grocery checker incredulously asked upon casually asking me who'd won that year's Indy 500 as I stood at the register apparently decked out in some of my racing finery...

The other two nominations totally deserve being inducted,  i.e.; Dario Franchitti and McLaren, the Constructor, albeit Bruce  McLaren himself is totally worth inclusion, and hence perhaps you can see my consternation towards whom I used to call Eddie "Underacheever" Cheever being mentioned in the same breath!

Oh, I get I-T! He won the much ballyhooed Indy 500 in 1998, and if Bobby Rahal, also a one-time 500 champion's been inducted, then ditto Cheever, right?

Uhm, not so fast IMS! As let's recall that Eddie won during the infamous fledgling IRL years before the B-I-G BOYZ', nee Penske, Ganassi, Andretti and HELL! Even Team Rahal jumped ship, with Cheever winning in a car sponsored by a defunct Potato Chips maker!

As how many championships; Err races has Cheever won? As 'Ol Bobby's notched 24 W's and three titles along with his single 500 victory. Like what's next, inducting Jack BRUT' Arute to the Hof?

As talk 'bout making your blood boil, even before Duh Green flag flies; SHEEZ! As good thingy' I'm outta here and will be Incommunicado the next Fortnight. Since if Cheever's inducted then I'll know that the IMS Museum's a Crockery and should change its moniker to Hall 'O Shame...