Wednesday, March 21, 2018

IMS Museum Now even More Desperate for HOF Inductees

If some Potato Chip Munchin', Brick layin' past Indy 500 winner has been nominated for the IMS Hall of Fame, then isn't Buddy Lazier also Worthy of Consideration? (The Tomaso collection)
As All I can think of is 'Ol Lynyrd Skynyrd's song bout Ooh, What's That Smell... Can't Yuhs Smell that Smell? Which I'm not certain if they were singing 'bout the vaunted Snake Pit during Thar 2012 Carb Day concert...

Ah, surely we're All still aware of the IMS Museum's newest wrinkle, Righto? For which I read the typically straight shootin', mincing NO words story penned by Racer's IndyCar Soothsayer Robin Miller about Thar now taking anybody for inclusion into their Hall of Fame inductees. Or should it be Hall of Shame? As I believe that Douglas Bowles Dog Fido's up for nomination this year; WUF-WUF!

As Miller's righteous scorn made me immediately think of last year's riveting HOF Ballot, which showed just how truly Desperate the museum was by having nominated Eddie "The Mouth!" Cheever; SPEW!

But then again, IMS isn't adverse to Stompin' Tradition into the Dirt, or Pavement, which is exactly what they've done to the Brickyard Motel and more disturbingly, the Flagroom!

Hmm? Wonder why Thars' no IMS Museum Hall of Fame Nominees notification in the No Fenders mailbox this year...

(Photo c/o No Fenders ‘Offical Photographer CARPETS')