Walt Disney's iconic Magical Kingdom. (Image
source: fineartamerica.com)
Congratulations Liberty Media's Messers Chevy Chase
& Brickity Bratches', You've ruined Formula One on Thy Telie' forever...
By now, if you're one of the remaining
Diehard U.S. F1 Aficionados, then Y'all know just how HORRIBLE Liberty Media's
"New & Improved" regurgitated Sky Sports Formula 1 TV Coverage
Stateside is!
As it just feels like we're getting a really Inferior,
Watered Down product, which the powers to be Don't seem to give a SHIT about!
As Thars' absolutely NO rhyme or reason to how the next race's airing will be
formatted. So who knows what Magically Delicious treatment Baku will get?
It's Bad Enough that ESPN2 simply Ignores
Friday's (Free Practice) "FP" sessions, a la NBC Sports airing FP2.
But for this weekend's Azerbaijan GP, according to my Zap-2-It' Telephone TV
Guide, Thars' NO Saturday Qualie' coverage either; CRAP!
And then Y'all can either watch a riveting
35mins Pre-grid Musical, followed by the race's 2hrs 25mins, Huh? A Whopping
three hours TV coverage beginning at FUCKING NO WAY RAY! OH DARK-30! Or 4:30AM
Pacific, or the Dumbed Down Sunday evening's 2.5hrs encore at 7PM Pacific...
Not to mention how they're still just magically weaving in
'N out of random Commercial Breaks. Or making me feel like an IDIOT for
watching! As the condescending female voice Thanks Me for Watching. When we
return, we'll begin where we left off at; Uh Sure You Will Sister!
As I found I-T Hilarious!
That they actually ran a Commercial for Walt Disney's Toy Story land coming
attraction before beginning the F1 show in Shanghai.
along with smartly
telling David Kroft to Quit mentioning it's 10 after the Hour, since it
typically AIN'T when we get the second helping of Formula 1, which only further
agitates my Dander! Since I can then compute how much is being cut out...
Then again, perhaps Liberty Media doesn't
really care about its U.s. Television Audience, Eh? Although according to
Wikipedia. As of early 2015, ESPN2 reportedly has a U.S. audience of over 94
million homes with pay Cable TV subscriber service, and approximately nearly
82% of all U.S. Households with at least one television.
Case in Point, to ESPN's Oh Shit, we've got
to show some Car racing now. Like seriously, people like this type 'O Sports?
Since Formula One's television Broadcasts are
so Mickey Mouse, You never know what you're gonna get! As ESPN2 set the Bar Ah-Mighty',
with their whimpering, chaotic Cluster-Fuck Debut Airing Down Under in Bloody
"Somme-times Yuhs Feel like A Nut, Somme-times Yuhs Don't!"
As sometimes you get NO Pre-race and other
times you do. With ESPN2 trying to drive us WONKY! As the second race of the
season at Bahrain saw the live race airing being only 2hrs 5mins duration, but
the Sunday evening encore was Two and One-half hours long, Huh?
As I'm so DISGUSTED over this Abomination of
F1 coverage, that I'm NO longer willing to get up at OH DARK-30, i.e.; 4:30AM.
Or stay up 'til 1AM in the morning with the race beginning at 11PM Pacific!
Thus why should I be surprised? As it only
took three races before ESPN2 was regressing into its old habits; FUCK!
As the Sunday, April 15th Chinese Grand Prix Encore
presentation was listed to begin on ESPN2 at 6PM Pacific, but
OH SHIT! Here we g-O Again! Welcome to le Douche' as third
rate SCC Women's Softball filled the screen when turning on Thy Telie' some
10mins before the top 'O hour; GROAN!
As the game was only in its 5th inning,
between Mississippi and 'Ol Miss; STEE-RIKE!
As the game went past 6PM Pacific, with our
riveting Formula 1 Pre-race Blather beginning at 6:08PM Pacific, and then just
three short minutes into the Broadcast the sound went silent, and presumably the picture? With
an audible stagnation, jerky shift and
suddenly Kroftie' was reading the middle of the grid's line-up; WTF!
As they'd once again very clumsily Butchered;
Err Chopped Out the majority of the Pre-race in order to squeeze in the race;
SIGH! Not to mention how did 'Ol BillyBob' (Martin Brundle) make it from the
Commentary Booth to the Podium so lickety-split?
And then the race ended promptly at 8:08PM
Pacific and suddenly we were entertained by a whimsical Post-race show, that
featured very ANNOYING Clown-like Circus music as background noise, which would
steadily creep to a crescendo, making it harder 'N harder to hear the
announcers; Err Presenters, or were those Pundits? Drum-roll please...
Since I've still got ZERO Clue who's the Blimey Brit'
leading the riveting Post-race Shemozzles, albeit pretty sure the other half's
Johnny Herbert...
As apparently ESPN2 was just Killing time to
get to the top of the hour, and per Tipicali, the Post-race just abruptly ended
at 8:53PM Pacific, with NO signing off, instead just 4mins of Commercials
before returning to another STUPENDOUS
episode of E60 at 8:57PM Pacific; SPLAT!
Alas, try as I might to put up with this PATHETIC
Television coverage of thee Pinnacle of Motorsports. I cannot but simply Abhor
what Liberty Media's Done! Not to mention how the Sun has certainly set upon
Formula 1's TV Coverage. For which if your precious TV Ratings go where I
suspect they're Headed, then DON'T Cry us any Crocodile Tears Liberty Media!
But then again, if
everybody's just playing F1 Fantasy, then who Needs Terrestrial TV, Eh?