Thursday, June 28, 2018

INDY 500: A Tall Tree Towers Over IMS Fence, Tiny Houses abound, and a Winner's interview

Nah, this Ain't No story 'bout 'lil Houses on thou Prairie...

Just a few more articles I've enjoyed reading; Err listening to "My Gal" Lucy', my ARSE-Steamed Screen Reader read me recently, revolving around 'Ol Mother Speedway.

As the first story's by Indianapolis Star's columnist Greg Doyel, who I occasionally enjoy listening to his various Sports Yarns via my NFB Newsline for The Blind telephone service.

. As this one's a good One regarding a Different era at  Mother Speedway,  before they went All in upon the now de riggour Monetization of thou Brickyard.

And speakin' of Capitalism; Err Monetization, this story found in The Detroit News was a quite enjoyable look upon the little houses decorating the Brickyard's infield. Even if they're completely outta my Price Range!

Whilst how can we forget Will Power's Primordial Exuberance over being victorious in this year's 102nd running of the Indianapolis 500! Although he's a 'lil more "Chilled" when talking to The Speed Freaks afterwards.

As DJ WillyP's Screaming Antics made me think of another rebel's song, which Y'all know the lyrics too, as this One's for You Will...