Monday, June 17, 2019

AUTOS: Ford Quits Endurance Racing, Again

By now, Y'all are aware of the fact that Ford is curtailing it's Ford GT racing programme, first with the just concluded World Endurance Championship (WEC) completion of its 2018-19 "Super Season" at Le Mans, and then at season's end in Americre' at the Petit Le Mans.

Whilst surely 'Ol Shel', aka Carroll Shelby's rolling over in his grave over Ford's pulling the plug on his iconic Ford GT 40's successor, now that the wrestlin' match over the Texan's finished...  

As reportedly, us FoMoCo' Aficionados have the FIA and ACO Sanctioning Bodies to Blame, albeit not sure which one more? Since they've been wrasslin' over the apparently Stillborn 2020 Hypercar Formula.

Although cannot say I'm overly impressed by Ford either, since once again, an Auto Manufacturer seems to be holding Thar participation over thou Sanctioning Body's Heads. Although I understand Ford's reluctance to sink millions of Dollars into what arguably could be a veritable "One Off" racecar.

Yet is it just Mwah who find's Ford's Heavy Handedness over future regulations not being "Green" enough smacking of Hypocrisy? Since currently the Blue Oval seems to be leading thou way in Gas Guzzlin' SUV and PickemUp' Trucks production, having shunned Sedan building completely, with the exception of the gas sipping Mustang...

As it would be nice to see the ACO, FIA and IMSA All be able to Play together once again, which certainly would be beneficial to the Auto Manufacturers, not to mention The Fans!

While I Don't see the benefits for somebody like Ford or BMW simply being content with winning Class Honours, since isn't it the Overall Winner who gets the Headline News?

And perhaps the ACO and FIA should scrap the current GTE Pro/Am' Class structure in favour of the Pro category becoming a Beefed Up GT3 class, and the lower Amateur category being comprised of the GT4 ranks? As it's just an idea from a very tiny Thought Bubble, whilst I'll leave thou Heavy lifting for Smarter Minds to Decide What's Best for Sports Car racing Internationally ...