Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Farewell Robin Miller

The ‘Legendous ‘R (Robin Miller) Arm-wrassles with The ‘CandyMann (Randy Bernard) over a priceless limited 1st edition No Fenders T-Shirt...


So for Mwah, today’s a very Sad day, since when I opened Racer’s IndyCar page for my Daily News Trawl late this morning, I was Saddened to learn that ‘Ol r’, Ye Curmudgeon ‘O Indy Cars Robin Miller had Died from his long fight with Cancer and Leukemia at Age 71.


Frankly, I cannot write anything better than All of the glowing tributes being spread around the Media regarding Robin, other than I’m still Thankful that he bothered to interact with me, albeit minutely over the years, since I had the privilege of meeting him once Wayback in 2009 in the IMS Media Center when I believe he wasn’t initially a Fan of Us lowly bloggers! Yet to his credit he gave me tidbits to use in stories here on No Fenders, not to mention my Zany “Interview” wit him…


And like I wrote before, I know Robin wouldn’t want to have heard this, but the Tears began flowing down my face when reading Racer’s Marshal Pruett’s great description of how there was Nobody like Robin Miller!


As IndyCar’s will definitely be Duller without You


Salute Robin!