Friday, March 11, 2022

AUTOS: Bugatti Blitzes Autobahn in Berlin

And to think that Once upon A Time, 300kph was the Holy Grail of Automobiles…


Strangely, Tuning into The Bob and Sheri Show, a nationally syndicated Radio Talk show the Friday morning prior to this year’s “Getter done” Day-toner’ 500, I just so happened to Drop-in when Bob Lacey was telling the tale of a Bugatti Chiron doing an Insane speed upon the Autobahn, which I hadn’t heard about.


As it was funny Hearing Bob butcher the word Chiron as Shurron, and then Daftly guessing said Bugatti cost $300,000; Uhm, Strike 2 Bob!


Yet it’s somewhat amusing how Slow News cycles can go. Since Bob was regaling us about a story that first broke a month ago…


As perhaps you’ve already heard or read about the Czechoslovakian Businessman who decided to test the outer limits of his fairly exclusive Bugatti Chiron supercar on the Autobahn. Ultimately claiming having reached a peak speed of 417kph, nearly an astounding 260mph!



Since reputedly the $3 million Bugatti chiron, successor to the Veyron was limited to 500 examples, All of which have been purchased. And the Chiron’s  8.0-litre Quad turbocharged W16 engine is electronically governed to a maximum velocity of 420 Clicks’ ( Kilometers per Hour) in “New Money” as Professor (Steve) Matchett used to Chime. Or 261mph for us Yanks’, Shiesa! As Bugatti was concerned that no modern tyre could withstand such top speeds! Although probably truly more worried about the driver’s ability, and impending litigation…


As Radim Passer, a Czech Real Estate tycoon’s real “Crime” seems to be having been brash enough to post a video of this top speed run upon Youtube this January! Presumably filmed by a passenger Ridin’ Shotgun (with him) during the early Sunday morning Blitz upon a fairly deserted portion of the Autobahn with No posted Speed limit. Yet German Prosecutors are now considering a penalty of up to two years in Jail for Reckless Driving!


But even better yet was Sheri’s cluelessness during the segment. Innocently asking How Fast does NASCAR Go? To which Bob quickly claimed Strike 3 when saying 220mph…


But Sheri Lynch’s insistence that NASCAR were the Fastest racing cars on the planet made me not only chuckle, but realize just how Humungous of A Hole IndyCar lives in! Since IndyCar Doesn’t even register in the common person’s brain! Making me wonder if IndyCar can ever Alleviate this perception?


Yet like Groundhog Charles, chuck, Sam, Phil or whatever his name is? RASSCAR’s shadow is so Humungous, that we’ll be Seeing another 35 weeks of it!


Sadly, I’ll suggest this common American perception of Only NASCAR exists Stateside is largely due to that nefarious period of time in Open Wheel Racing simply, and forever known as The Split!


As IndyCar’s, err Penske Entertainment Corporation’s Numero Uno Puffed Shirt Mark Miles can pontificate until the Hens come Home, or Punxsutawney Phil Doesn’t see His Shadow! About how it’s ratings are Up, Viewership’s Up, Attendance is Up and So on and So on, But! As I’ve scribbled countless times before here on No Fenders. If you’re ratings and other metrics are All at Rock Bottom, then you’ve got only two options, i.e.; go Up or go Out of Business…


And if Roger Penske’s so worried about getting Eyeballs on IndyCar, hence why the push to have it on Big NBC 14 of it’s 17 race calendar this season. Then why is NBC Shaving a Half hour Off of the normal three Hours timeblock devoted to traditional IndyCar Broadcasts? Uhm, No Post-race after the series kickoff event? Knock this Shit Off IndyCar, NBC and Comcast!