Friday, July 12, 2024

HYDROS: Guntersville Gunk, How to Not “Spool-up” your Sport!

As apparently the H1 Unlimited website got Washed Down by it’s own Roostertail!


Yeah, Y’all are probably Ah-Waitin’ my riveting thoughts upon IndyCar’s first Hybrid race at Mid-Ohio. Whilst the verdict’s still out upon this weekend’s Double Header at Iowa…


Although Marshall Pruett has a very good multi-part article titled Racer’s inside look at IndyCar’s going Hybrid worth reading. Along with Honda Racing’s HRC US Youtube channel having a four part series upon the hybridization of the 2.2-litre engines.


Yet I simply cannot “Back-time” All of my countless stories here upon No Fenders. And surely the hybrid Energy Recovery System (ERS) debut have been covered Ad Nausea, El Correctomundo?


Instead, I’m still fuming over the egregious disregard the sports official website showed while failing to adequately promote their languishing sport during its season’s opening round! Cough-cough, Sputter! Think I must be dipping below the 80mph Planing rule…


What’s that? You say that rule has been abolished? But where have I read about it? As guess I must be having a Fuel Flow violation, Righto? Or getting ready to Blow a Gasket!


So I realize in this day and age of Unlimited – Pun intended, amount of sporting choices for our entertainment. I suppose one cannot gripe about the pathetic quality of live streaming choices offered, Eh?


As may be I’m Cornfuzed? But when the website’s link says Play, wouldn’t you think that would show you what’s happening in real time, instead of taking you to that morning’s “Canned” coverage instead?


I spent the entire weekend, not to mention previous weekday’s trying to figure out why every single time I went to and perused either their Homepage or News tab, Crickets!


As their latest news article was about this year’s APBA Gold Cup moving to San Diego. Topped by the Guntersville Livestream web page. Which listed all of the day’s Heat races start times. But Didn’t show them live when I clicked on play Bastardoes!


Now you’d think that H1 Unlimited would want to get out front of it’s audience and be in Lane-1, the preferred lane when it comes to promoting their sport, wouldn’t Yuhs?


But No, they failed to publish one single article about the Guntersville Hydrofest, i.e.; pre-race or daily race results recaps thru the entire weekend, or as of Monday, July 1st; the last time I checkd their website, WTF!


Not to mention their livestream option not being Live! As I sat thru I dunno, 5-8 minutes of their “Canned” opening montage before realizing it wasn’t live, but the beginning of Sunday morning’s coverage after I’d tried tuning in around 2:22PM Pacific for the live 4:30 Central time Final Heat…


Thus scrambling Ah-Mighty’ to the Intrawoods and searching vainly for the H1 Unlimited Youtube channel. I managed to locate the “live” Sunday afternoon selection, clicked on it and Wallah!


Andrew Tate in the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate was leading handily on the end of lap-3. Meaning I’d missed the All important start and how the race had unfolded, Urgh!


Not to mention the sound quality was Horrendous, and I needed to Jack up the volume some 18+ notches, since my volume increases in levels of two…


Thus I sat Thar bewildered over why H1 Unlimited’s livestream coverage and overall coverage of the season opening race from Guntersville was so G-Damn’ Pathetic!


As I listened to Tate win presumably? Since Thar still wasn’t official word on the H1 Unlimited website that Tate and His Hull had passed Post-tech inspection.


As the battle for second was far more thrilling, with Jamie Nilsen in the U-11 Miss Mercurys coffee holding off J. Michael Kelly in the U-1 Beacon electric. With Dave Villwock in the U-27 Miss Apollo fourth and the last name mentioned being Dustin Echols in the U-40 Bucket List Racing Hydroplane…


Thus I was left Ah-Wonderin’ if only five Unlimited Hydroplanes had made the trip to Guntersville? And what had happened to cory Peabody’s U-9 Beacon Plumbing and the U-6 Miss Madison with Dylan Runn at its tiller?


As it shouldn’t be this difficult to discern how many Unlimited Hydroplanes are competing and what Hull and Driver combos they are?


As it only took about a half hour's time Sunday evening following the race. Listening to another pathetic sound quality “Canned” Youtube episode with the volume Jacked up thirty levels to be able to barely Hear the two announcers slowly reeling off the six Hydroplanes competing from the Friday Youtube episode.


Which was interrupted by the lead announcer getting all glassy-eyed over the glorious sounds of a piston powered “Open Stack” Merlin engine! As two of the vintage Miss US Thunderboats’, with an WWII Allison powered V-12 trailing close behind warmed up the crowd for Friday testing…


As I finally discovered that just the two Strong Racing Hydros’, the U-1 & U-9 were present. Along with the U-11 Miss Mercurys Coffee, U-27 Miss Apollo, U-40 Bucket List Racing and the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate.


As this totally contradicted with the previous PR “Puff” piece article about the completely brand new Miss Apollo Hydro’ making it’s debut at Tri-Cities.


And then low and behold. When I decided to visit the H1 Unlimited website on Wednesday afternoon, July 3rd, Holy Typewritten Words Batman! The website suddenly had Tate wins at Guntersville posted the day prior. Not to mention having back-filled the other day’s events with post-dated stories…


Although there’s still no explanation on the season’s new rule changes, or why there’s only a single Miss Madison entry, go figure!


As come on H1 Unlimited, get your Act together! As they may be the fastest Boats on water, But your website coverage sure Ain’t Fast!