Monday, July 22, 2024

Walter wolf’s other Racing Team

As Betcha Y’all didn’t know He sponsored a Motorcycle race team, Eh?


Talk about the ultimate Rags to Riches story, and one such character has to be Walter wolf. For which any Diehard F1 Afficionado will recall the name from the owner of His Formula 1 team during the mid-1970’s.


According to Car & Driver’s Brendan McAleer , Wolf, now 84, made His moneyduring the 1970’s by successfully speculating upon North Sea Oil.


And Wolf’s penchant for gambling won Him a Ferrari 512BB on a handshake bet with Il Commendatore, nee Enzo Ferrari! With the bet being over the outcome of the 1977 Monaco Grand Prix. Which Jody Scheckter won aboard His Wolf-Ford Cosworth DFV V-8 racecar. With the podium rounded out by Ferrari’s Niki Lauda and Carlos Reutemann being second and third.


Whenever I can, since Car & Driver has a nasty habit of routinely cutting off it’s “News-feed” to the NFB’s Newsline for The Blind telephone service. Which currently has been out of circulation since Gory May 5th; Come on Car & Driver, Quit being Putzes!


Although I’m happy to say that the content issue’s been resolved for now. Yet like I said, this is a reoccurring problema, but I digress…


Thus apparently Wayback’ in late December, 2022, I learned of a rare 1986 Suzuki RG500 Gamma Walter Wolf motorcycle up for auction on the Bring A Trailer website over the Christmas holiday. For which I tend to recall the scooter’s owner was in Washington…


Naturally I’d never heard of the Suzuki RG500 Gamma Walter wolf motorcycle, which were produced as tribute bikes for two years between 1986-87.


With the author noting this big bore two stroke motorcycle being barely street legal! Finished in the traditional dark blue, gold and red colour scheme of Walter Wolf Racing. With the 498cc “Thumper” sporting four individual carberators

And silencers producing 95bhp, with an 11,000RPM redline.


Reportedly Wolf in collabouration with Suzuki, formed a motorcycle racing team in the early 1980’s. With Japanese rider Masaru Mizutani winning the ’82 500cc All Japan motorcycle championship.


Yet the motorcycle Walter wolf Racing team’s history is murky at best. Since the further I attempt finding information, the more “Breadcrumbs” I find. With Wolf racing Suzuki’s as early as 1980, along with Mizutani competing in two F.I.M. GP500 Motorcycle Championship events in 1986. Aboard you guessed it, an RG500 Gamma, albeit reportedly only being produced between 1981-84.


As the latter Gamma model owes its lineage to its RG500 predecessor, which debuted in 1974. And with considerable testing effort by Barry Sheene, the Britain would go onto win the F.I.M. GP500 World championship twice in 1976-77.


Then Suzuki’s RG500 Gamma would win two further GP500 World Championships between 1981-82, with Marco Lucchinellsi and Franco Uncini respectively.


Making it even murkier, was stumbling into another Wolf Gamma “Scooter” having been sold on Bring A Trailer previously. This time being a 1985 Suzuki RG250 Gamma Walter wolf example…


And according to the Walter Wolf World website, the Canadian business tycoon actually had “tribute” Suzuki models of RG50, RG250, RG400 and other Suzuki models sold in His Wolf Racing livery during this timeframe.