Monday, August 19, 2024

IndyCar Flotsam ‘n Jetsom

As How ‘bout that ratings momentum from Up North Eh?


Sorry Kiddoes’, no riveting Gateway, Err Wwt Raceway recap here…


As I’ve said before, I’ve never been real good at what race teams call Back-timing stories for posting here upon No Fenders Y’all.


Case-in-point, I’d been planning on doing an IndyCar points recap from Mid-Ohio thru Toronto to “Drop” upon No fenders prior to what forever will be Gateway for Mwah. Even if it’s now World Wide Technology Raceway. (WWTR) Which presumably will be the first IndyCar race I’ve missed listening to this year.


And like Fast Eddie’, aka Ed Carpenter, who rightly was boiling Hot underneath His coolsuit following two brutal days at Iowa! Have to say now a month later, I still Don’t like how IndyCar treats our neighbours Up North Eh!


Like Red Headed Stepchildren! Having decided they’re not worthy of getting a Cable TV slot. Since Toronto’s the only race for the past few years shoved onto Peacock streaming exclusively. Even though the powers to be at Comcast and NBC know the ratings are abysmal!


Seriously? Like you can’t put Toronto on CNBC? Instead of running countless Shark Tank episodes or other useless Infomercials, Oh Never Mind!


And it was really Sad how IndyCar went El Cheapo during their lone trip to the Great White North…


As I think IndyCar Radio must have strung a telephone line across the border, Eh? Since when I initially tuned in for Saturday’s Qualie’ session,I couldn’t hear anything at my Confuzer’s normal volume level. Thinking Oh Crap, here we go again Buggers! So like the drivers do ontrack, I rinsed, lathered and repeated. Err logged off and rebooted my computer and tried again…


Same annoying result, albeit I could hear the tiniest amount of sound coming out, Eh? As the IndyCar Radio feed via the IndyCar website’s sound level was Horrendous. Having to Jack UP my volume 30+ levels – at 2% increase just in order to be able to barely hear what they were saying; speak up sonny, eh!


Won’t belabour the three “Cub” pitlane reporters who sounded like they wouldn’t add up to my advanced age, Hya! Whilst Mattie B’, aka Mathew Brabham did a fine job deputizing for regular driver analyst Davey Hamilton. With Jake “The Riddler” Queiry also being absent Saturday. One of my favourite normal pit reporters Alex Wolf was elevated to Turn-5 duties.


As Alex had the best two quips of the weekend. Although the broadcast suddenly suddenly started started repeating repeating everything with two sets of identical words tripping over each other as another technical issue reared it’s ugly head!


As Wolf had casually worked in the phrase Trains, Planes and Automobiles when describing unexpecting Theo Pourchaire’s mad scramble “sunny Side Up” adventure of showing up from France an hour before qualifying started to deputize for Alexander Rossi, who’d broken His right thumb during Friday’s practice.


Alex also got in another Humdinger when saying cue up the Jaws music as Scott Dixon had gone from 15th place to third and was stalking eventual runner-up Kyle Kirkwood for second place. Even though Kirkwood admitted afterwards that He’d been playing defense and had settled for second with Andretti Global teammate Colton Herta deserving the win…


And Sunday’s IndyCar Radio strangled volume level persisted, being even worse as it kept fluctuating the entire race broadcast, Urgh! As I really shouldn’t need to crank up my volume thirty plus levels just in order to hear the broadcast at what’s typically the normal sound level I utilize daily to try not blowing out my eardrums!


Thus it was somewhat reassuring to read that I wasn’t the only person affected by this tin cans waxed dental floss technology! Since reportedly there were similar volume issues with the Peacock streaming broadcast. Hmm, I mean talk about your lame duck we Don’t give a Shit philosophy!


Meanwhile, I’m really tiring of a fellow IndyCar Blogger’s championing Kevin Lee to become the new “Voice” of IndyCar on FOX TV next year. Since Kevin’s just not a great lead announcer. Especially when He goes into full lather overhyped, painfully manufactured excitement voice. You know when All of today’s announcers think they’ve got to Yell at us to prove something happening is exciting, Spew!


Oh yeah, almost forgot, Thar was a race Up North Eh! For those who saw it worldwide, Eh?


As I simply Don’t understand why each race somebody’s gotta Punt somebody Offtrack on the first lap!


As Toronto saw the first two yellow flags come out during the first six laps. Before things settled down until the end of the race when Pato O’Ward spun all by Himself in Turn-1 leading to a Red flag with six cars Done Torn U-P!


Including thee Great Santini, nee Santino Pit Dawg’ Ferrucci going upside down! As two Foyt cars going upside down in a week’s time, Aye Karumba!