Tuesday, August 13, 2024

No Fenders Movie Olympics: The Chase continues

As who’ll advance to the mythical Finals round?


Yessiree Bob, bob’s your Uncle, Oh Never Mind! As we’re finally dipping into some of our “Finals” contestants Y’all…


(No. 11) Christine

Release Date: December 9, 1983

Since I typically refrain from “watching”, Err listening to any of the Olympics, be it summer or winter. I thought a movie about “terror” was totally Apropos for these Nofendersville Games!


As I’d have to say I’m more a Fan of Graveyard Carz’ Christine recreation with it’s 1,000bhp “Hellephant” Mopar crate engine propelled ’58 Fury. Even if I can no longer find the show on thy Telie…




Yet Stephen King’s classic Horror novel turned into film by John Carpenter revolving around the red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury name Christine with it’s possessive, jealous nature and having a mind of it’s own is a true classic.


As who knows. Perhaps Christine can persuade me to tune into some of this year’s Paris Olympics Mon Cherree?


(No. 10) Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Release Date: August 12, 1988

This movie has always intrigued me, albeit I’ve never “seen” it. Thus it falls just outside of making the Finals round.


The movie was a “Pet” project of Francis Ford Coppola, whose father had been a stock investor in the company and bought a Tucker 48 during it’s short lived production.

And while film critics said Jeff Bridges who starred as Preston tucker was fantastic. Nevertheless, it was considered a Box Office failure…


(No. 9) Who Killed the Electric Car

Release Date: June 28, 2006

Having seen this film on the Big Screen, I enjoyed Martin Sheen’s wonderful narration. And was surprised to rediscover that Tom Hanks (recorded) and Mel Gibson were in this film.


The movie is centered around the General Motors EV1’s short lived production. Specifically built to meet the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) mandate of the 1990’s for All major Automobile manufacturers to offer Electric Vehicles (EV’s) to the public in their state in order to continue selling their gasoline production models.


Yet due to relentless pressure from the Oil Industry, CARB eventually relented and scrapped this rule, with GM then hauling off it’s fleet of EV1’s to the Crusher!


Although I believe I once saw one of these on display at Tacoma‘s wonderful Americas Car Museum? Where I know there was a Chevrolet Volt on hand during an Electric Vehicles exhibit…


(No. 8) The French Connection

Release Date: October 7, 1971

And now we’re down to our final eight contestants, making the finals. And in outside lane number eight is the sole representative of France. Hey, we’ve gotta have at least one French film in this Summer’s movie choices, Righto?


Yet I must confess I cannot recall seeing this movie. Although I knew Gene Hackman was in it. Starring alongside Roy Scheider and Fernando Rey.


As the theme sounds vaguely familiar. With two Detectives trying to catch and break-up a Herroin Drug Ring. With the requisite car chase scenes in it. Along with the drugs being cleverly hidden in once such vehicles rocker panels…


(No. 7) (Mad Max 2 ) The Road Warrior

Release Date: December 24, 1981

Representing our Down Under Aussies’ is this epic classic. Although Mad Max will probably attempt driving over the other finalists from His outside lane seven starting position!


Although I enjoyed the original Mad Max movie, this sequel is my favourite. Having never seen any of the other later Franchise movies…


As Mad Max, played by Mel Gibson driving the last of the V-8 Interceptors cruises the roads in search of the ever elusive, precious “Black gold”, better known as petroleum.


As Max ultimately helps a small community with one of the few working Oil wells escape to a safe fefuge while leading the gang of savages who want the contents of a weaponized Oil hauler that Max valiantly drives as the decoy while the others escape in a school bus…


(No. 6) Thunderbolt and Lightfoot

Release Date: May 24, 1974

Suppose I telegraphed this choice making it into the Finals. Y’all know, previously musing when beginning this long ago Top-10 montage; Thunderbolt and Lightfoot sprang to mind…


This has always been one of my favourite Clint Eastwood films, even if Eastwood felt that co-star Jeff Bridges stole the show!


As it’s Americana at it’s best during the 1970’s. With Lightfoot stealing multiple cars, Thunderbolt being the older, wiser Bank robber and the usual irony of the two men who are having a Bromance’ ultimately finding the missing money, before one dies due to previously being Pistol whipped by one of Thunderbolt’s former Gang members…