Saturday, August 10, 2024

No Fenders unveils it’s Summer Olympics Movie choices

On your mark, get set, Go! Although hopefully we won’t get Warshed’ Out on the Seine…


Per Typical here upon thoust mystical Isle 'O Nofendersville, your Humble No Fenders Scribe Tomaso switches Tracks quite regularly; choo-Choo, All Aboard, Hya!


Hence upon going down a Steve McQueen Bullitt Movie Wabbit’ Hole now some Gory four years ago, Crikeys! When we were sheltering Inside and trying to Stay Safe from COVID-19. My Mind began Ah-wonderin' about veritable things to do to pass the time by.


Alas, I began thinkin', Think Pink Ye Pink Panther, Shuhzamm! About veritable Top 10 Choices of Movies 'N songs to keep ourselves amused.


Yet like that year’s summer Olympics in Tokyo, which were delayed until the summer of 2021. These Car Culture movie choices also slid past. But now that we’re into the doldrums of the Paris Olympics, what better time for our competitors to appear, eh?


And without further Adu, here goes Nothin', as these are just my Zany, Unscientificaly Formulated Choices for Automobile related (Culture) Movies. For which I'll confess, originally I struggled to come up with ten Car Movies I'd personally watched over thoust years, whilst other selections I've decided are “Racing” Movies instead. Along with such gems as Corvette Summer springing to mind - originally in my Top 10 selections, Hya!


While others didn’t advance to the Summer Olympic Movie Finals due to double faulting.


And being the stupendous Track & Field Fan I am, I believe that the finals are run with only eight competitors, El Correctomundo? Leaving us with this wacky, altered Top-10 version…





(No. 16) Corvette Summer

Release Date: June 2, 1978

Not sure why this movies stands out so strongly in Ye Cranium, especially since I'm guessing that Mark Hamill would prefer I forgot about it, Righto? Although being his first movie after that unexpected Blockbuster called Star Wars, the film grossed over four times it's $9m budget!


As the movie portrays Luke Skywalker, Err Hamill chasing after his elusive customized '73 Vette with the typical boy meets Girl (Annie Potts) subplot thrown in. Which I suppose is why it finished last upon track during this 10,000 meters Movie Steeplechase…


(No. 15) Vanishing Point

Release Date: March 13, 1971

Never saw this movie, since it came out originally when I was a Wee lad’. And although it stars a very cool 1970 Dodge Charger R/T10 Magnum 440cid V-8 Muscle Car, the plot of the movie just seems absolutely outta control, becoming wilder 'n wilder and an absolute Trainwreck to Mwah! Whilst I'm happy to say that I've also never seen the '97 remake, which seem worthy of mentioning…



(No. 14) The Italian Job

Release Date: June 5, 1969

Although the title would leave you inclined to believe this was our only Italian film to make the preliminary Heat. Nonetheless, it failed to advance due to it being a British “Crew” out to heist Gold from an Armoured Truck in Turin., Italy


And although I cannot say I ever saw the original, it is a Cult classic. And I must have seen the 2003 remake replicating those original Austin Mini Mk II’s driving down the Palazzo Madama. With this famous scene of then BMW Mini’s escaping down another set of stairs once again in Italy, Mama Mia!


Interestingly, I just learned it’s soundtrack was produced by the legendary Quincy Jones, a Seattle icon…


(No. 13) The Cannonball Run

Release Date: June 19, 1981

Originally I had this film in the “Finals” bracket, but like it’s zany All Star Cast members, with way too many crazy antics, it Double Faulted and failed to advance.


Believe I only ever saw this film multiple times on TV. As it sprang onto my collective “radar” for the wrong reasons, i.e.; Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. dressed up as Catholic Priest. When I should have been recalling the two “Hotties” played by Adrienne Barbeau and Tara Buckman in form fitting spandex racesuits driving a black Countach!


Whilst Burt Reynold and His alter ego Don DeLuise as Captain Chaos are joined by the likes of Roger Moore, Terry Bradshaw, Farah Fawcett and Jamie Farr to name just a few others in this film recreating the 1979 Sea to Shining Sea Cannonball Baker memorial trophy run. An outlaw car race from Connecticut to California.


(No. 12) Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

Release Date: May, 1974

Suppose this is what happens when you're trying to use your Wayback Machine; as where are Yuhs Marty McFly, Eh?


As I'd just watched Unforgiven on Ye Boob-tube' just days prior to beginning my original Top-10 academy choices and Wallah! Ye Thunderbolt and Lightfoot film sprang to mind


Since weirdly, the final scene of a movie came to mind, when the "Bad Guys" think they've finally outwitted Johnny Law', even causing the Sherrif's Helicopter to run out of fuel. And as they emerge from the nestle 'O trees they've been hiding on and merrily head upon Thar way, WHAMOE! Smack into an unexpecting Freight-train!


As this is another movie with just a really far fetched plot, not to mention it’s RASCAR’ connotation, but it still resonates on Thy Memorex, even if I’d originally Cornfuzed it with Thunderbolt and Lightfoot…