Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Tomaso Files: Can You Ever truly go back Home?

No Fenders Head Scribe Tomaso Ah-Waitin’ patiently to cross the river Styx during one of His infrequent trips back Home. (The Tomaso Collection)


And even so, it’ll never be like it was before. Or like it’s “Right Here, Right Now”


The morning after Tacoma Bureau Chief Mary ellen and Her faithful Hoond Hang 10’ Hilo were departing Bumfiddle’ Florence this past July, which seems an eternity now! I just happened to hear Heart’s Barracuda song being played on the Classic Oldies radio station I infrequently listen to.


As this immediately made me feel Homesick, as Heart was a Seattle icon for several decades, with Barracuda being one of their early signature songs of the mid-1970’s. Preceded by the initial Hit songs Magic Man and Crazy on You from their debut album Dreamboat Annie of 1975.


As these three songs, albeit Barracuda was released on Heart’s second album Little queen in 1977. Brought the Band the Attenzione of mainstream media, and their early initial commercial success during the late 1970’s

Then being  a teenager growing up in Seattle and marching in the All-City Marching Band that included participating in the annual Seafair Torchlight parade. I’ve clung to the memory that Seattle’s Memorial Stadium was sold out for three nights during I believe what would have been August. Since I now know that the Seafair Trophy Unlimites race was held on August 7, 1977…


As it’s Uber Funny how our minds play tricks upon us the older we become! And the longer we hold on to our contorted, cherished memories…


Since thanks to Al Gore’s wonderous invention, the All knowing Intrawoods’, nee internet. We’re able to go Wayback in History sometimes, sorta. And see just how convoluted our lifetime memories are!


Case-in-point is that instead, Heart was part of four bands playing for just one night at Memorial Stadium during the summer of 1977. When upon August 28, 1977 Heart, Foreigner, Tower of Power and Stephen Bishop all performed for that year’s Summer Sunday concert at the Seattle Center. Three weeks after that year’s Seafair Trophy race.


Two more interesting tidbits have surfaced during my brief research over the band’s history, for which I’ve always known features the Wilson sisters, Ann (lead vocals) and Nancy (vocals & rhythm guitar) of Bellevue’s Sammamish High School fame. Along with original lead guitarist and band founder Roger Fisher.


As I was Uber’ surprised that Heart’s Wickedpedia’ page denotes them originating in Vancouver, BC, Say What? Since although I suppose you could argue this is technically true. Since their debut album Dreamboat Annie was recorded in Vancouver, BC at what later became Mushroom Studios.


Nonetheless, Fisher and other original band members from 1967 until the Wilson sisters joined them in the early 1970’s originated from Bothell, Washington! As the band migrated to Vancouver following manager Mike Fisher’s desires to evade the Vietnam War Draft.


The other funny part was the “Back story” upon Heart’s Hit song Barracuda, for which over the years I’d heard rumblings eluding to, but had never been curious…


Reportedly the song stems from a controversial Advert that a Canadian Mushroom Records executive released without the band’s consent. Being the same debut album image of the two bare shouldered Wilson sisters with the provocative caption “It was only the First time”.


As Ann Wilson later claimed that Barracuda, that peaked at number eleven on the Top 100 Billboard charts stemmed from Her being so infuriated over a reporters questioning Her about Her lesbian relationship with Her sister Nancy, and wrote the song immediately afterwards!


But this story is supposed to be about going back home instead of the prolific Seattle rock band Heart…


While I realize it’s not a city or state’s responsibility ultimately to allow its inhabitants born there to live their entire life in said city. And it has been apparent to Mwah ever since the Viaduct was demolished and “Bertha” dug it’s replacement tunnel when not stuck underground for several months! That Seattle wishes to become the next San Francisco…


But its weord how six years later after leaving due to economic concerns, i.e.; yearly rent increases averaging 12-13 Freakin’ percent! I still find myself defending the city which some have called it a Shithole city! And others have recounted it’s reputation for being overrun by the Homeless, blah Blah Blah…


And whilst my Heart, Pun intended! Sill longs to be living back in Seattle or it’s suburbs. If I know of a young woman whom came from the South. Lived in Kent and had to return home since She couldn’t afford to live there with a good paying job. Then what hope do I realistically have as a 60yr old Blind person?


Quoting Captain McObvious’, I find myself routinely pondering how totally different my life would have been if I’d never lost my eyesight due to being born with Retinitis Pigmentosa, commonly known as RP in the Blind community following my Open Heart surgery. As lately I’ve been trying to figure out just how long have I truly been blind?


Yet as we All know, there are countless millions in far worse circumstances. Since regardless of your position upon the Genocide currently being inflicted in Gaza by the fine folks of the Boeing Company, who were ironically being touted for their sponsorship of all 75 years of Seafair during Sunday’s Unlimiteds race.


As it seems a tad bit surreal that The yearly Boeing Air show’s Headliner are the Navy’s Blue Angels flying Boeing F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets over some of “The Bluest Skies you’ve Ever Seen in Seattle”. While some 40,000+ civilians, mostly defenseless women and children have been killed!


Listening to the fantastic Deamon Copperhead book by Barbara Kingsolver about an orphaned boy in the South whose mother dies from overdosing on Oxycotton. I realize life is a struggle for almost everybody. And everyone has their personal battles  and “Deamons” to deal with, whether or not self inflicted.


Yet like Los Angeles is currently experiencing, having the highest percentage of 20yr olds leaving due to being unable to afford living there. And personally feeling like I’ve been priced out forever of my home city. And Now wondering about my current locale which has also been “Discovered”, Yikes!


As I wonder if Seattle’s in for a similar plight of Los Angeles and California’s  currently find themselves in? And will runs into the same issue of having no youth generation to service and support its elder population in the future?


Not to mention who will take care of those who cannot afford their monthly rent due to out of control inflation vs. the Disabled, Homeless and Senior population. And just where are the Homeless and displaced Migrants supposed to go?