Friday, September 13, 2024

Time for IndyCar’s season finale at Nashville

And crowning Alex Palou as this year’s IndyCar champion…


Having been on Holiday (again) during the Portland and Milwaukee Double Header weekend’s, I only got to listen to the Portland race via IndyCar Radio. Which was reminiscent of past Portland Snoozer’s after a Hard day’s outing trackside drinking multiple "Adult" beverages in the blazing sunshine Wayback’ in the Good ‘Ol CART Dazes! When Portland’s racetrack still featured the West End Grandstands between Turns 5-7, which now is RV Parking instead…


As will Power’s dominant performance Sunday was also sleep inducing, albeit this time with Hang 10’ Hilo laying alongside Mwah on the couch. As the highlight of the Portland weekend was the Great Santini’s improveable maiden Indycar Pole position Saturday, before finishing a distant eighth.


Thus, I didn’t listen to any of the Milwaukee action until returning home and “watching”, Err listening to the various Highlight packages via Youtube, which left much of the drama out of these six minutes vignettes. Except for Kevin Lee’s nauseating, annoying totally FAKE excitement, nee Yelling!


While Yuhs already know that Pato O’Ward won Saturday’s race, and ScottyMac’, aka Scott McLaughlin won Sunday’s race.


Yet largely overlooked was Conor Daly scoring Junco Hollinger Racing’s (JHR) first ever podium when finishing third on Saturday. Before gearbox issues saw Daly soldier to a 17th place finish Sunday.


Meanwhile, Santino Ferrucci dazzled us again with two fourth place finishes at the Milwaukee Mile enroute to setting a record for most passes! With Santino saying it’s been a Helluva year for the No. 14, currently sitting comfortably in tenth place in the championship. Leading 11th place Christian Lundgaard by 38-points; 339-301. And trailing ninth place Alexander Rossi by only 11 “markers”. (350-339)


Yet I suppose everyone’s waiting for me to comment upon the title fight and the misfortunes of both Championship leader Alex Palou (525 points) and second place Will Power, (492 points) who trails Palou by 33 markers. And with a maximun of 54 points on offer; mathematically third place Scott McLaughlin is the only other title challenger, albeit a longshot 50 points adrift. (475 points) Meaning the championship is Palou’s to lose. Although interestingly, currently both Penske drivers have the first tiebreaker advantage with three wins apiece vs. Palou’s two.


Reportedly Palou suffered an Hybrid induced electrical failure upon the grid Sunday which then fried His battery! Leaving the Spaniard stuck in fourth gear and not even able to communicate on the radio to His crew. As the No. 10 Chip Ganassi Racing crew had to discharge the Energy Recovery system (ERS) in order to learn the battery was toast! Replace the battery after draining the ERS again and then recharging it in order to get Palou back on track 29-laps behind, before ultimately finishing P19.


Yet it was Will Power who shot Himself in the foot once again by mashing the loud pedal on a late race restart and pirouetting into the wall! Lightly damaging His front wing. Before two pitstops – to ultimately decide to replace the front win caused Him to go a lap down, dropping from sixth to 13th place, before finishing tenth. As just the drop from sixth to tenth was a loss of eight points!


Points Scoring System

1st = 50, 2nd: 40, 3rd: 35, 4th: 32, 5th: 30, 6th: 28, 7th: 26, 8th: 24, 9th: 22 and 10th: 20.


Positions 11 thru 25 decrease by one point from 19 to five.


Bonus Points

One point for Pole position. Two points for Most laps led, and One point for leading a lap.


According to Raymond Hando of For the Love of Indy, Palou wins the Championship no matter what, with a ninth place finish. For which initially, I hadn’t done the math for. But Yes, Palou’s 33-points plus 22 = 55-points; one more than the maximum of 54.


One other interesting wrinkle to Sunday’s season finale on the 1.33 mile Tri-oval. With IndyCar making it’s return to this concrete Oval for the first time since 2008. Is the return of Alternate compound Oval tyres. Which Arse-sumedly at least two laps have to be run on both tyre compounds…


Being a longtime Will Power Fan, you’d think I’d be pulling for Him this weekend. But I’d actually like to see Alex Palou score His maiden Oval track win and get the “Monkey” off His back! Whilst I expect Palou to do enough to secure His third IndyCar Championship in four years and then celebrate with His traditional Fried Chicken Fricassee!


As until Milwaukee, think I read Racer’s Marshall Pruett saying Palou had an average finishing position of 4.63! As His lone copybook blemish this season was His self-induced accident during Iowa’s first race, before bouncing back to fourth the following day. With His Milwaukee finish of P19 solely due to mechanical woes…


As interestingly, Chip Ganassi Racing’s Scott Dixon and Alex Palou have both been victims of Hybrid powertrain issues this year. So perhaps it’ll be Penske’s turn at Nashville?


Meanwhile, Conor Daly and David Malukas both can say Job Done! Having hauled their respective JHR and Meyer Shank Racing (MSR) Nos. 78 & 66 mounts comfortably into the vaunted Leaders Circle Prize fund standings. For which I believe that the race for the 22nd and final position is between Ed Carpenter Racing’s Christian Rasmussen and A.J. Foyt’s Sting Ray Robb? With RLLR’s Pietro Fittipaldi also potentially in the mix…


Leaders Circle Points Standings

According to the Indianapolis Star’s Motorsports Beat Reporter Nathan Browne.


19. No. 78 Juncos Hollinger Racing: 189 point

20. No. 66 Meyer Shank Racing: 187 points

21. No. 30 Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing: 177 points

22. No. 41 A.J. foyt enterprises: 175 points

23. No. 20 Ed Carpenter Racing: 174 points


With Dale Coyne Racing’s Nos. 18 & 51 being outside the “Cut” line.

As I really cannot say what the Charter System will do for us other than clarify the 25 IndyCar Fulltime entries eligible for the 22 positions. Since right now, Ganassi’s Nos. 11-4 entries make this clear as Mud on a Rainy day!


Although I’d also enjoy seeing Alexander Rossi score His first win in quite some time for McLaren, whom He’s departing from following this race, with Christian Lundgaard taking His seat next year. As who knows where Rossi’s new IndyCar home will be in 2025?


As it’s been a whopping 778-days since Rossi last won the Gallagher Grand Prix on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s permanent road course for Andretti Autosport on July 30, 2022, Yikes!


And Ditto for Davey’ Malukas scoring His maiden IndyCar win at Nashville. As I still don’t understand why He’s chosen to depart to A.J. Foyt Enterprises next year. Where hopefully He’ll be paired with Ferrucci. Which wisely, it sounds like Larry Foyt’s keen on making happen…


As I suppose I could ramble on ‘n on, but instead. We’ll just have to wait another 48Hrs for the dust to settle and see who’s victorious. Since after all, that’s why they run the races…


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

18B: No Fenders turns Jack Harvey’s, Nolan siegel, Hunter McElrea’s Car Number today!

Two very Happy couch Surfers! Starring Hang 10’ Hilo whom aided Tomaso with His Heart surgery recovers. The Tomaso Collection)


Along with All of the other Suspects to drive the No. 18 Dale Coyne entry like Chicago’s “Davey” Malukas, Sealmeister B’, ergo Sebastien Bourdais and everyone else…


Hopefully not sounding like a broken record here upon No Fenders? But I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d still be labouriously poondin’ at Ye ancient keyboard here upon thoust mystical isle of Nofendersville! Or still merrily creating fresh content for Y’all weekly 18 Freakin’ years later, Aye Karumba!


First ‘n foremost, like All the IndyCar drivers do. Its time to thank the Fans for perusing No Fenders and hopefully reading some of my Zany Blog posts the past 12 months, especially All four of my loyal readers!which are lovingly honed with a dull, rusty knife in Tomaso Manor whilst thoust waves crash upon the jagged coastline of Nofendersville Mateys, R-R-R!



As why does that ‘Ol MacDougals slogan now serving (insert number) here come to mind, Hya!


Uhm, where to begin, Eh? As this year in the life of Tomaso has been singularly unique, especially since I never thought I’d be having Open Heart surgery this past January! Or when I tell people about it, they All tell me I’m too young for that.


Along with being my first surgery ever. Whale’ Y’all know that saying about “Go Big or Go Home”, Righto? And thus off I went to Springfield for surgery. Having scribbled about my “primer” in the No Fenders story below…


And I’ve got a million fading memories of spending six days in Hospital and everything new associated with it still swimming round my Head! Like my “Head” Nurse Molly taking pity on me and saying we’re gonna put a second hospital gown on you backwards – so nobody’s gotta look at my tailfeathers when walking the Halls!


Or the rehab Nurses giving up on my trying to use a walker while being Blind! As I’m a really “good” driver, Hya! Just putting a belt around me and having me walk the hallways instead. And I could go on and on…


Whilst it’s funny how quickly we regress back into our daily routines, since it seems so long ago since those six days in Hospital following my surgery. Not to mention how quickly one’s muscles atrophy!


Then going home after my INR number had stabilized sufficiently for my initial eight weeks recovery period; when not allowed to raise my arms over my head. Twist, push, pull, pickup or carry anything over 8lbs, i.e.; one gallon of milk! Although typically the sternum bone cut in half isn’t fully “Healed” until twelve weeks, which now all seems like a distant memory…


as I’d said I was gonna “Dial” back upon Blogging so much info weekly, but here I am scurrying to poond’ out another riveting story Justin-time for your consumption! After having previously written about the perils of placing stress upon one’s self…


Having celebrated seven months since said Open Heart surgery over a Fortnight ago, its amazing how much I’ve gone back to my normal, daily grind; which obviously is a good thing…


Thus, I really don’t have a whole lot else to offer for this year’s anniversary’s salutations. Other than I’ve just returned from my very first trip outside of the state since said surgery. A very enjoyable trek to Warshington’ to visit friends & family. And oh yeah, a one certain precocious Hoond fondly known as Hang 10’ Hilo. Thee Star of the Show!


Another casualty for Mwah is the ridiculousness of IndyCar’s Start-Stop-Start G-O really fast to the end before F$$KING’ Football! Is my having missed three of the season’s last five races – having listened to every single one via IndyCar Radio thru Toronto before some stupid Sports games in Paris interrupted! And then having missed Gateway and Milwaukee’s Double Header, whilst listening to the Portland race from Tacoma.


As this is what happens when life gets busy, and one prefers to take advantage of summer’s fleeting weather vs. staying home to listen to IndyCar and other motor racing series around Ye Globe, i.e.; Formula 1, MotoGP and Sports Cars. And I’m pretty certain this will only increase beginning with next year’s even further condensed IndyCar schedule to appease it’s new television provider FOX, Brilliant!


No idea why this caused an ‘Ol Robbie Robertson song’s opening lyrics to spring to mind? For which I’ve cleverly “adapted” to hopefully make some reason or rhyme…


“As you know I’ve got a million stories to go,

As this is just one more of the million I’ve got left to tell”


As I won’t prattle on too much longer here. But just wanted to say that I’ve got a bunch ‘O stories I’ve been wanting to scribble awhile now and will do so. Which may not relate to anything current in Der Vurld de Motorsporten, Ja-Ja! Otherwise,


Thanks to everyone visiting Nofendersville and reading my eclectic scribblings upon No Fenders All these years!


Since this Uber' eclectic mix 'N veritable Spin Cycle 'O finely honed Thomason' Tex-Mex Jambalaya of Wordsmithing wouldn't have been possible over thoust numerous seasons without All of the Usual suspects continued yearly support.


Led First 'N Foremost by Tacoma Bureau Chief Mary Ellen, the late Kuhnaidiun' lass Claire and Blogmeister' Miguel!, who keeps this Site Alive and makes All of my Zany Updates whenever requested.


Along with Mary Ellen’s G-R-r-R-Reat Hoond’ who’s I affectionately nickname Hang 10’ Hilo! Being the most laid back Chihuahua I’ve ever met! Whom I eagerly look forward to “Seeing” every single time I have the opportunity to do so!


Plus continuous contributions from Offical' Photographer CARPETS', Snowbyrd MJ', Randal, Thy Moniker King' . Along with the still Mega' Killer official No Fenders logo provided by Artiste Dave!


And like Melody Sheik brilliantly “Sings” in his Symphony of Science Masterpiece from over a Dozen years ago. Uhm, whose IndyCar Number is that? “We Are All connected!”


Whilst never fear Ladies and Germs’, Your Humble No Fenders Scribe Tomaso is planning on sticking round for awhile. Especially since I just had a new mechanical Heart valve insertion!





Partial Song lyrics from: Robbie Robertson

Song: Sacrifice, Album: Contact from the Underworld of Redboy, Year: 1998 

Monday, September 9, 2024

HYDROS: San Diego’s Gold cup Finale becomes Unlimiteds “Rubber” Match

As who’ll take home the prestigious APBA Gold Cup this Year?


This weekend’s Bayfair Cup on the bill Muncey Sand diego Mission Bay’s season finale will decide this year’s Nathonal High Points champion. Along with whom gets bragging rights over the winter’s offseason for winning the prestigious APBA Gold cup. As I’d like to Arse-sume that All eight Unlimited Hulls that participated at Seattle will make the trip south down Interstate Freeway I-5…


I say rubber match because I’mthinking that’s what this final race has become between the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate of Andrew Tate vs. the two Strong Racing Hulls; the defending champion J. Michael Kelly in the U-1 Beacon Electric and the U-9 Beacon Plumbing with Cory Peabody at it’s tiller.


The season’s two main protagonists have been Tate and Peabody, who seemed destined for an epic showdown on Lake Washington in the winner take All Seafair Apollo Mechanical cup final this August.


As I did manage to listen to All seven Heats from Seattle both days via a very sketchy Youtube channel livestream. Even though Saturday saw their pit reporter’s transmissions completely garbled or non-existan. Along with having to Jack up the volume ridiculously in order to barely hear colour commentator John Walters…


Saturday’s preliminary Heats saw Tate win Heat 1A, followed by Peabody winning Heat 1B. While the best race of the day for Mwah was Dustin Echols impressive victory in Heat 2A! Being His and the U-40 Flav-R-Pac’s first Heat victory of the season, winning ahead of J. Michael Kelly!


Heat 2B pitted Tate against Peabody. As Peabody claimed the inside lane-1 and subsequently “motored” away from Tate, who finished second.


Sunday’s Heat 3A saw Tate win convincingly from the inside lane-1. And when asked about it afterwards during the winner’s interview bluntly said: We got Beat! When asked why He’d run inside on lane-1; referring to Heat 2B.


As John Walters, whose also an H1 Unlimited Inspector said that He’d noticed that the U-91 was running a different Skid Fin today in order to get better “Bite” off the corners on Seattle’s relatively short, tight 2.0-mile race course.


While later in the day, Walters mentioned an interesting factoid. Stating that today’s modern three bladed propellers used are made from castings. And last only 100 minutes! Before becoming doorstops or knickknacks…


Then lead announcer Brad Luce chimed in that years ago Nate Brown had proclaimed to Him: “Thin is Fast, but Doesn’t last!” Regarding an Unlimited Hydroplane’s propeller’s lifespan. With Walters noting that every single time the blade hits the water it bends…


Heat 3B saw Peabody ultimately victorious, albeit being pushed hard by teammate Kelly in a resurgent U-1 after an overnight engine change. With the Strong Racing duo finishing 1-2…


Meanwhile, leave it to John Walters, who won the sport’s very first race with a turbine engine in 1982, driving the Pride of Pay ‘n Pak during the H1 Unlimiteds pathetic Seafair livestream broadcast. Casually mentioning that Jim Lucero, the sport’s winningest Crew chief had died earlier this year. With Walters saying “We lost a Good One”. With Lucero taking the chequord Flag at age 77, just six days after Ron Jones Jr. death.


Huh, how come I haven’t read a word about this on H1 Unlimiteds webpage? Oh yeah, that’s the same (lame) site that not only couldn’t post stories during race weekends. But failed to post a race report of Sunday’s Apollo Columbia Cup in Tri-Cities at All!


Hmm, why did it take me until Tuesday morning after Seafair to find the race report Hidden on the website’s innocuous results tab! Only after I started huntin’ and peckin’ around their pathetic website! Whilst I still haven’t been able to locate a current National High Points championship points standings tally anywhere on the web, Urgh!


Brad (Luce) also asked Walters how driver’s felt after causing their team’s to have to rebuild their boat?  In regards to J. Michael Kelly feeling bad after His narly Blowover at Tri-cities the week prior!


Walters mused, Jim (Lucero) would say, “What did you do to it John? It was perfect when it left the dock”.


As Lucero won a record 69 races as the Sport’s winningest Crew Chief, including ten APBA Gold cups and eight National High Points championships before retiring in 1998.


Luce and Walters salivated over how they expected four boats to be gunning for lane-1 in the finals! And then during the Milling period before the new “Score Up” at 1:15 before the start. Luce said is that the U-1, U-9 and U-91 All together in the south turn? As we’ll keep an eye upon that triumvirate! Before Luce said that Kelly had bailed from the Argie-Bargey before exclaiming that Tate had gone Dead in the water!


Kelly got a legal start ahead of the rest of the field before Peabody was battling for the lead on the outside, with the two Beacon Hydros’ going Mano e Mano! With Kelly getting His first W’ of the season and Peabody second, with Tate a dejected fifth! Having never recovered from His dust-up with Peabody before the start…


Then the Officials ruled that Peabody had encroached upon Tate during the start and handed Him a one minute time penalty, with Kelly still being the winner. Now followed by Jamie Nilsen in the U-11 Miss Mercurys coffee second. Dave Villwock in the U-27 Miss Apollo third and Tate fourth. With Dustin Echols fifth, the U-35 of Gunnar O’Farrell sixth and Peabody relegated to seventh.


Now I’m not suggesting this, but after waiting and waiting, and still Ah-Waitin’ to hear the post race drivers interviews which never happened, Urgh! As I really wanted to hear Tate’s assessment over what happened?


My mind sprung to having recently read an old interview with Ron Jones Jr. where He mentions rebuilding the Miss Circus Circus that burned in Hawaii for Steve Woomer as a “Truck” Boat. And whomever was driving it? His sole task was to crash into Mark Evans to prevent Him from winning the National High Points Championship, Youza!


And although I’m not implying this happened in Seattle, since I think Peabody was still chasing Tate for the championship at that point; but why do we live in such a conspiracy laden society these days?


Especially when one of the Strong Racing Hulls won at Seafair; being J. Michael Kelly’s second win in-a-row. With the Miss Madison Racing website stating that Tate substained damage during said milling period. Which obviously would have been caused by Peabody in the U-9!


Yet Andrew Tate and the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate lead the National High Points Championship by 949 points, which represents two first place and nearly fifth place finish in Heat points! With Tate having two wins vs. Peabody and Kelly having one apiece. Making you believe that this triumvirate are the odds-on favourites for winning the Gold Cup this Sunday in San Diego.


As I’m firmly rootin’ for my Numero Uno Skipper Andrew Tate to seek His revenge upon Strong Racing at Mission Bay this Sunday. And claiming His second Gold cup victory enroute to His second High Points championship title!


Paul Tracy on receiving end of Chrome Horn SUV Hip check!

As guess somebody didn’t know who they were Rubbin’ the Wrong way, Eh?


Thanks to Offical’ No Fenders Photographer Carpets’ for initially alerting me to the news that PT’, Sugar Ray Tracy or simply good ‘Ol Paul Tracy was struck by an errant SUV when bicycling this past Friday.


As the Thrill from the West Hill was  definitely feeling thee Agony ‘O Defeat! When being struck by a Sport Utility Vehicle, and initially thinking He’d just suffered a dislocated shoulder.


Yet the 55yr old former IndyCar Champion and 2002 Indianapolis 500 runner-up subsequently was diagnosed with three broken vertebrae,and possibly a hip fracture/injury? After being transferred to a local Trauma Centre. Presumably having had surgery this past weekend? And now will begin His recovery.


Although in typical PT’ fashion, Tracy posted to His verified X account that this would Fuck Up His Fitness regimen!


Whilst I’ll admit I’ve lost track of Tracy’s current activities since leaving NBC’s IndyCar booth in 2021. Other than He went racing in Smoke’s (Tony Stewart) former SRX racing series… 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

When IndyCar takes a Back seat to Football, Again!

This Ain’t the car that Jimmy Harbaugh drove during the 2013 Indianapolis 500, albeit He did play for them during the 1990’s. (The Tomaso Collection)


Will the Alpine F1 Team run a Chiefs tribute car if they win another Super bowl?


Even though He’s only got half as many Super bowl rings as “Joe cool” has. Tonight’s Kansas City Chiefs starting QB Patrick Mahomes of the defending Super Bowl LVIII Champions has done what Joe Montana couldn’t! Even though it always seemed weird for Montana to be wearing a Chiefs uniform…


Canadian born actor Rob Reynolds leads an investment group along with fellow actor Rob McElhenney. With Otro Capital, RedBird Capital Investments and Maximum Effort Investments having bought a 24% share of Alpine F1 for $200m Euros ($218m USD) last year.


Also involved in the investment group are Kansas City chiefs Super bowl winning Quarterback Patrick Mahomes and Tight End Travis Kelce. Which would explain why Mahomes was on the Grid during Martin Billybob’ Brundle’s Formula 1 Grid Walk during this year’s Miami Grand Prix in May.


With Mahomes, Kelce and may be What’s Her Name? Oh Yeah, Taylor Swift joining MaxiMillions’ (Max Verstappen) as part of debutante F1 winner Lando Norris’s entourage that evening…


Other investors in this Star Studded group include actor Michael B. Jordan, professional Golfer Rory McIlroy and Olympic Boxing Gold medalist Anthony Joshua.



Terrible Tom, aka Tom Brady – 7X super bowl Champion is a minority owner in the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) Hertz Team Jota. Who run a brace of customer Porsche 963’s in the series premiere Hypercar class. As the team’s number 12 entry is directly taken from the past signal caller’s (QB) jersey worn during His playing days.


Ironically, it was the same No. 12 that scored Porsche’s first privateer victory at this year’s Six Hours of Spa race at Belgium’s legendous’ Spa-Francorchamps circuit. Where Callum Ilott, Will Stevens and Richard Lietz were victorious!


Whilst interestingly, the “list” price for a customer Porsche 963 is reportedly $2.9 million, Aye Karumba!


Lastly, since it’s now the fourth quarter on this No Fenders dribble and I’m running outta gas! Antonio Williams, a former Buffalo bills and New York giants NFL running Back. Along with a brief stint with the BC Lions of the Canadian Football League and currently a Free Agent. Invested in the SS-Green Light Xfinity Race team and driver Joe Graf Jr. in 2021, when still a member of the bills organization.


Williams, from North Carolina has been a NASCAR fan forever, and met Graf thru a mutual Acquaintance.


And that’s just some of the current and past names I’ve “Squirreled” away over the past several years now, after several False starts!


As say goodbye to IndyCar racing in September. Thanks to the new & improved FOX TV Dealio’, Frick!


As guess I’m one of the few who doesn’t give one iota over Freaking Football! Or any other “Stick ‘n Ball” sports.


Is it March, Yet? Hut-Hut, Oh Never Mind! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Hits keep Coming!

Now that the “Mr. excitement” (Pete Carroll) era is over. Can rookie Hawks’ Head Coach Mike Macdonald return them to the Promised land? (The Tomaso Collection)


But does it really matter What Time it Is? Or that the Harbaugh’s and Mike Macdonald know each other?


Naturally, after finishing my two part No Fenders riveting Football prose. I learned that Jimmy HarBooBooBaugh’  (Harbaugh) left Michigan underneath a cloud of NCAA Violations, a la Pete Carroll going from USC to the Seattle Seahawks over a decade ago, Wayback’ in 2010.


As Harbaugh leave the Wolverines after nine years in Michigan, and at age 60, surely is in the zenith of His Head Coaching career, Righto?


Whilst speaking of those Seahawks. Seattle’s first pre-season game August 10th just so happened to feature the Hawks traveling to SoFi Stadium to play the Los Angeles Chargers. Which Seattle decisively won 16-3, albeit it was just pre-season competition…


Yet interestingly, the game featured Jay Harbaugh, son of Jim as Seattle’s new Special Teams coach, under rookie Seahawks Head Coach Mike Macdonald’s tenure.


As Jay spent nine years   With Poppa Bear’ Jim at Michigan, before they both left the Wolverines program. With Jim now being the new Head Coach of the Los Angeles Chargers.


Reportedly the last time this father-son duo competed against each other was when Dad Jim was the Head Coach of the San Francisco 49ers against His brother John’s Baltimore Ravens in Super bowl XLVII. As Jay was just beginning His coaching career under His uncle John’s tutelage as a Offensive Quality Control assistant. As the Ravens defeated the 49ers 34-31, in a game which featured a 34 minutes “impromptu”

Blackout, Err power outage in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans on February 1, 2013 while the Ravens were leading handidly.


And in another episode of “Six Degrees of Seperation”. Macdonald, who at age 37 is reportedly the current youngest NFL Head Coach. Spent considerable time with the Baltimore Ravens between 2014-20. Beginning as a Defensive Quality Control Assistant. Then as a Coaching intern, Defensive assistant and Defensive Backs coach.


For 2021, Macdonald became wait for it, Tuh-Duh! Michigan’s Defensive Coordinator under Jim Harbaugh.

 Before returning to the Ravens as it’s Defensive Coordinator between 2022-23 prior to becoming Seattle’s Head Coach…


And that’s way, mucho more than I wanted to know about Football! Since I didn’t even know that Jim Harbaugh had been hired by the Chargers Wayback’ on January 24th until hearing about Harbaugh’s NCAA recruiting rules violation just days before the NFL pre-season began via the Indianapolis Star’s Sports section, Hut-Hut Omaha! 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Once Again, IndyCar makes way for Football

Although Jim Harbaugh began His NFL playing career with the Bears. This isn’t the car He drove during the 2013 Indianapolis 500. (The Tomaso Collection)


Not to mention next year’s Jam-packed IndyCar schedule ends in August, Urgh!


Nah, AIN'T gonna G-O Ballistic upon Penske Entertainment’s No. 1 Puffed shirt Mark "I'm The Decider!" Miles brilliance in listening to the vaunted Boston Consulting Group – effectively Neutering any semblance of Indy Cars gaining any positive traction due to its STUPENDOUS multiple Off-season's the past few years.


Ooh, the season's been stretched out a whole three weeks into September, Eureka! Especially since we're supposed to be A-L-L Rainbows and Bunnies right now marching  towards the end of our Championship stretch. Even though in less than a Fortnight. Thar’ will only be another 348 Days to go 'til St Pete…


As that’s what I partially scribbled some Gory eight years ago! But hey, if IndyCar can return to Milwaukee after an eight year’s hiatus, then I can Gory bring this story outta mothballs! Not to mention, we’re All still Ah-Waitin’ Mark Miles really, really Big Plans…


Are You Ready to Rumble?

Since by now, Y'all are frothing over thee 869lb GORR-RILLIA kicking off it’s 2024 season Thursday night, before Week-1 commencess this Sunday, SPEW! When the NFL takes over TV Land's Airwaves in this great Country 'O Tee’, righto? Did somebody say Tee? Hut-Hut, Omaha! Let's Tee I-T Up, Oh somebody give me a Barf Bag!


Thus, Now over a decade ago,  when the Dallara DW12 and the 2.2-liter V-6 turbo era was commencing, Yikes!


On one of my countless outings to Mother Speedway, I know CARPETS' prattled off to Mwah some of Professional Football's connections to 16th & Georgetown. Where there was a brief display in the IMS Hall of Fame museum. Presumably during thy year 'O Indianapolis hosting some Super Bowl game, eh? 'Wayback in 2012 Me Thinks.


As I'm positive that Dave, Dave's Not Here, Hya! Pointed out to Mwah Johnny Unitas in a Baltimore Colts helmet as part of the football themed display, although I couldn’t find any connection confirming this on Zed Intrawoods’…


Hence, I've come up with these fleeting NFL connections the past several years to Mother Speedway, IndyCar and motor racing Justin-time’ for another airing of Monday Night Football, URGH! Or is it Sunday Night or Thursday? And don't forget 'bout College Football jamming the Airwaves Friday & Saturday night's. As think I'll get flagged for Holding on that one, eh? As how ‘bout that Big 18 with them Dawgs’, Ducks, Trojans, Oh Never Mind!


Jim Harbaugh

DOB: December 23, 1963, Age 60

2023 NCAA Football National Champion Head Coach

Otay, I’ll start with the obvious one, that being the former NFL Coach who used to be better known as Jimmy HarBooBoobaugh during His San Francisco 49ers coaching days! As Harbaugh, the reigning CollegeNational champion Michigan Wolverines Head Coach was a past co-owner, along with J. Douglas Boles of the long shuttered Panther Racing team. (1998-2014)


The team’s primary racer used the No. 4 in deference to Harbaugh’s NFL Quarterback playing number. Which even included a stint as the Indianapolis Colts “signal caller”.


Harbaugh also drove the 2013 Corvette C7 Stingray as that year’s honourary Indianapolis 500 Pace car driver for the race’s 97th running.



Walter Payton

DOB: July 25, 1953; Death: November 1, 1999, Age 46

1986 Super Bowl XX champion

1977 NFL Most Valuable Player

Walter Payton, better known as “Sweetness” during His professional playing days. Was arguably one of the NFL’s greatest ever Running Backs. Having been drafted fourth overall during the 1975 NFL Draft, Payton played His entire career for the Chicago Bears. Including being part of their 1985 regular season Super Bowl XX winning team.


Playing in the “Windy city”, I suppose it’s only natural that Walter would “Hook-up” with another fellow Illinois native named Dale Coyne…


As the pair co-founded Payton/Coyne Racing for the 1994 Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) PPG Indy Car World Series. Running under the banner of Payton/Coyne Racing for six seasons, thru Payton’s death in November, 1999.


As it behooves Mwah to admit that I saw this incarnation of today’s long running Dale Coyne Racing team struggling yearly at the tail end of the grid during my yearly Portland International Raceway outings.


Whilst on a side note, Dale Coyne who originally was an IndyCar driver briefly. Made His IndyCar debut at Portland in 1984, but failed to qualify for the race.


Joe Montana

DOB: June 11, 1956, Age 68

1982, 1985, 1989-90 Super Bowl XVI, XIX, XXIII, XIV champion

3X Super Bowl MVP: XVI, XIX and XIV

Joe Montana, better known as “Joe Cool” during His Super Bowl winning days during the San Francisco 49ers Glory Days with Head Coach Bill Walsh! Once was part of Target Chip Ganassi Racing during it’s 1990’s CART Championship winning era as a minority owner.


Having joined team owner Cheep’ (Ganassi) for the 1995 season, when the team fielded drivers Jimmy Vasser and Bryan Herta…


Dan Pastorini

DOB: May 26, 1949, Age 75

1981 Super Bowl XV champion

Dan Pastorini will forever be remembered as a Houston Oilers QB for many. Having been drafted No. 3 overall in 1971 and playing the bulk of His 13 NFL seasons for the Oilers. (1971-79)


Yet it’s Pastorini’s second career I’m more interested in. As I suppose it’s only natural that the Californian gravitated towards becoming an NHRA “Nitro” Top Fuel Dragster driver…


As Pastorini drove a Top fuel “rail” during the mid-1980’s. Reportedly winning many event races, i.e.; Heat rounds. But what I’m guessing would have only been one “Wally”. Winning the 1986 NHRA Southern Nationals in Atlanta.


Pastorini also raced Sports Cars briefly. Racing for Kevin Buckler’s The Racers Group (TRG) during the 2005 Rolex Sports Car Series season.Along with running a Lamborghini in 2009 at the 12 Hours of Sebring.


 Screen Passes

In 2012-13, Bart Star and Bo Jackson served as IndyCar Grand Prix of Alabama Grand Marshall’s respectively. And while Bo Knows Football amongst many things. I still chuckle over His unenjoyable task of stuffing Himself into the “Fastest Seat in IndyCar’s” two seater that year!