Wednesday, September 11, 2024

18B: No Fenders turns Jack Harvey’s, Nolan siegel, Hunter McElrea’s Car Number today!

Two very Happy couch Surfers! Starring Hang 10’ Hilo whom aided Tomaso with His Heart surgery recovers. The Tomaso Collection)


Along with All of the other Suspects to drive the No. 18 Dale Coyne entry like Chicago’s “Davey” Malukas, Sealmeister B’, ergo Sebastien Bourdais and everyone else…


Hopefully not sounding like a broken record here upon No Fenders? But I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d still be labouriously poondin’ at Ye ancient keyboard here upon thoust mystical isle of Nofendersville! Or still merrily creating fresh content for Y’all weekly 18 Freakin’ years later, Aye Karumba!


First ‘n foremost, like All the IndyCar drivers do. Its time to thank the Fans for perusing No Fenders and hopefully reading some of my Zany Blog posts the past 12 months, especially All four of my loyal readers!which are lovingly honed with a dull, rusty knife in Tomaso Manor whilst thoust waves crash upon the jagged coastline of Nofendersville Mateys, R-R-R!



As why does that ‘Ol MacDougals slogan now serving (insert number) here come to mind, Hya!


Uhm, where to begin, Eh? As this year in the life of Tomaso has been singularly unique, especially since I never thought I’d be having Open Heart surgery this past January! Or when I tell people about it, they All tell me I’m too young for that.


Along with being my first surgery ever. Whale’ Y’all know that saying about “Go Big or Go Home”, Righto? And thus off I went to Springfield for surgery. Having scribbled about my “primer” in the No Fenders story below…


And I’ve got a million fading memories of spending six days in Hospital and everything new associated with it still swimming round my Head! Like my “Head” Nurse Molly taking pity on me and saying we’re gonna put a second hospital gown on you backwards – so nobody’s gotta look at my tailfeathers when walking the Halls!


Or the rehab Nurses giving up on my trying to use a walker while being Blind! As I’m a really “good” driver, Hya! Just putting a belt around me and having me walk the hallways instead. And I could go on and on…


Whilst it’s funny how quickly we regress back into our daily routines, since it seems so long ago since those six days in Hospital following my surgery. Not to mention how quickly one’s muscles atrophy!


Then going home after my INR number had stabilized sufficiently for my initial eight weeks recovery period; when not allowed to raise my arms over my head. Twist, push, pull, pickup or carry anything over 8lbs, i.e.; one gallon of milk! Although typically the sternum bone cut in half isn’t fully “Healed” until twelve weeks, which now all seems like a distant memory…


as I’d said I was gonna “Dial” back upon Blogging so much info weekly, but here I am scurrying to poond’ out another riveting story Justin-time for your consumption! After having previously written about the perils of placing stress upon one’s self…


Having celebrated seven months since said Open Heart surgery over a Fortnight ago, its amazing how much I’ve gone back to my normal, daily grind; which obviously is a good thing…


Thus, I really don’t have a whole lot else to offer for this year’s anniversary’s salutations. Other than I’ve just returned from my very first trip outside of the state since said surgery. A very enjoyable trek to Warshington’ to visit friends & family. And oh yeah, a one certain precocious Hoond fondly known as Hang 10’ Hilo. Thee Star of the Show!


Another casualty for Mwah is the ridiculousness of IndyCar’s Start-Stop-Start G-O really fast to the end before F$$KING’ Football! Is my having missed three of the season’s last five races – having listened to every single one via IndyCar Radio thru Toronto before some stupid Sports games in Paris interrupted! And then having missed Gateway and Milwaukee’s Double Header, whilst listening to the Portland race from Tacoma.


As this is what happens when life gets busy, and one prefers to take advantage of summer’s fleeting weather vs. staying home to listen to IndyCar and other motor racing series around Ye Globe, i.e.; Formula 1, MotoGP and Sports Cars. And I’m pretty certain this will only increase beginning with next year’s even further condensed IndyCar schedule to appease it’s new television provider FOX, Brilliant!


No idea why this caused an ‘Ol Robbie Robertson song’s opening lyrics to spring to mind? For which I’ve cleverly “adapted” to hopefully make some reason or rhyme…


“As you know I’ve got a million stories to go,

As this is just one more of the million I’ve got left to tell”


As I won’t prattle on too much longer here. But just wanted to say that I’ve got a bunch ‘O stories I’ve been wanting to scribble awhile now and will do so. Which may not relate to anything current in Der Vurld de Motorsporten, Ja-Ja! Otherwise,


Thanks to everyone visiting Nofendersville and reading my eclectic scribblings upon No Fenders All these years!


Since this Uber' eclectic mix 'N veritable Spin Cycle 'O finely honed Thomason' Tex-Mex Jambalaya of Wordsmithing wouldn't have been possible over thoust numerous seasons without All of the Usual suspects continued yearly support.


Led First 'N Foremost by Tacoma Bureau Chief Mary Ellen, the late Kuhnaidiun' lass Claire and Blogmeister' Miguel!, who keeps this Site Alive and makes All of my Zany Updates whenever requested.


Along with Mary Ellen’s G-R-r-R-Reat Hoond’ who’s I affectionately nickname Hang 10’ Hilo! Being the most laid back Chihuahua I’ve ever met! Whom I eagerly look forward to “Seeing” every single time I have the opportunity to do so!


Plus continuous contributions from Offical' Photographer CARPETS', Snowbyrd MJ', Randal, Thy Moniker King' . Along with the still Mega' Killer official No Fenders logo provided by Artiste Dave!


And like Melody Sheik brilliantly “Sings” in his Symphony of Science Masterpiece from over a Dozen years ago. Uhm, whose IndyCar Number is that? “We Are All connected!”


Whilst never fear Ladies and Germs’, Your Humble No Fenders Scribe Tomaso is planning on sticking round for awhile. Especially since I just had a new mechanical Heart valve insertion!





Partial Song lyrics from: Robbie Robertson

Song: Sacrifice, Album: Contact from the Underworld of Redboy, Year: 1998